"Jin. He yelled at Yuna and made her cry." I said, marks face twisted with annoyance.

"What the hell? Whyd he do that?" He asked.

"I don't know but she might've tried talking to him while he was working and he snapped." I scoffed. "You know there's a way to talk to people, especially kids."

"Of course." Mark nodded. "Come on just ignore it, don't work yourself up over it she's fine right?"

"Yeah but she's heartbroken. She wanted to like him you know? She was making an effort to give him a chance unlike Minseok." I sighed. "Only for her to end up disappointed. That's just how Jin is, he disappoints you."

"Yuna will be fine. You've scolded her too-

"Mark there's a difference between a stern tone and full on yelling." I said.

"I know babe, come on she's playing in her room with Minseok she's fine don't stress yourself out." He rubbed my thigh comfortingly.

"You're right." I sighed. "How was your day?" I asked wrapping my arms around him. "Did you have a good day at work?"

"Yeah, a lot of paperwork though but I'm better now that I'm back here with you." He kissed my lips.

I chuckled. "Aw how sweet."

"I wanted to talk to you about something serious." He held my hands.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I've been thinking-and we've talked about it before so I just don't want to wait anymore..." he pulled out a little box. "Let's get married?" He asked.

I stared at him in awe. "Really?" I whispered.

He nodded. "We don't have to have a wedding-

"What? Dont you want one?" I asked.

"I just want to get married and call you my wife but I know you don't want one-

"Babe, if you want a wedding we can have one if it's what you want! I promise I can do that for you if you really want a wedding."

"I don't but I know my mom will." He rolled his eyes. "So a small one? Very small."

"Alright babe." I laughed. "I'll marry you."


"I haven't waited this many years just to say no." I joked as I took the ring out of its box.

"No let me!" He took it and slipped it on my finger.


"Okay kids bed time, you guys brushed your teeth now get into bed." I said tucking the kids in.

"Yeah? Then we can beat him up." Mark told Minseok who laughed.

"Um, mister what are you teaching him?" I laughed at Mark.

"Mark said I can beat up a kid from daycare! He bothers yuna."

"No he doesn't! He's nice and gives me snacks."

"Yuna you can't be friends with boys." Minseok sat up.

"Lay back down." Mark said pushing him back down making Minseok laugh.

"Yuna can be friends with anyone just not strangers okay? If a stranger talks to you you tell mama and Mark."

"Okay." The two said.

"And appa?" Yuna asked.

I glanced at Mark. "If appa is around then yes you tell him too." He said. "Okay go to sleep my sea monkeys."

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