Clairvoyant experience

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This isn't the first time that I had a clairvoyant experience where I channelled a spirit of a dead person where they told me how they lived and died in the manner of their death. But this is the first time I actually was in there perspective.   How old like this is that I was having an afternoon nap during the staff meeting the girls were having a staff meeting and I was just snoozing away and I had bat like hearing like that of a batAnd overheard one of the girls mentioned that she had a traumatic experience with fire where a girl litter so far because she was in the timeout room. I'm not gonna say who it was it had a bad experience but I'm just saying that I have See the darkness of the punishment room and the fire and the flames in light of the fire and also the searing pain and heat of the fire as well.  I saw that the girl was stuffing or in my version that I was stuffing the cigarettes and matches down my cast and I don't usually have suicidal thoughts and then I lit myself up and that was the end of my life. I've been channelling this girls energy all day and ended up having dark thoughts of my own which is very unusual for me because I had Aaron had a dark thought in my fucking life since I was 22 or 21 so you know that Is whack when you have this kind of thing out of the fucking blue I had to blame it on a PTSD flashback but really it was because I was channelling someone's energy a Salz energy that access that I access unfortunately through my nap and had the version of her death and then after I woke up I was told about the girl and the mattress and cigarettes in the cast and then I Screamed the word suicide.  
The girls thought I was listening in on the meeting and you can stay downstairs during meetings but actually I was couldn't care less about the fucking meeting at Self, but a spirit or soul access my spiritual Facebook and got a hold of me and I was able to channel her and I channelled her on woodenly for the rest of the day because I had that big freak out about the goddamn pot pie and you really don't have a freak out about the food you really try to say thanks thank you but no thank you I just can't eat that I'll find something else to eat but I just found it so revolting. And then I ended up having a breakdown like the mother of breakdowns that caused me to have the same thoughts as a girl; suicidal thoughts something I haven't wrestled with since I was a goddamn teenager or very young adult so this is really out of whack for me and I blame the fact that this girls energy access to my energy and was able to fuck up my day. I don't usually blame victims of suicide or mental illness for my problems but in this case I am a clairvoyant that means I can feel other peoples energy who died and I actually know how they lived and died.   And this girl died because she was depressed and desperate much like I was last night oh yeah have to do is read my shit book my bad day book actually is I call it  sometimes I called the shit bock.  I am also an empath And a psychic meeting I knew that I was going to go into a bad shitty day I should've done something to prevent the blowup about the pie but I couldn't because I was under the control of the girls spirit. This is not fixed and this is actually true I have channelled people who died in the past will die just recently or just access the information about their life without acknowledging the fact that I want to sleep and that's just how I do it as I go to sleep and then I just channel your energy and access your soul much like accessing a profile.  Remember people the  universe is nothing more than a big giant Facebook where are you can go and access spirit soars and demons and other things that go bump in the night that you cannot see in daylight or cannot see at all.  I know this is my dream journal but it deals this deals with spirituality in the air called and the unknown which is what dreams are about our nightmares or in this case channelling someone's ghost because usually I don't have a shit fit over a piercing well I'd have a shit fit but not this big so really this is nothing more than a bad bad dream that I channelled I didn't mean to channel.

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