Chp 17

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Previously on Our Enemies.... "oh, can I come in?" Asked Novi. "Not to be rude but no. Why would you want to do that for?" Said Lucious.

"Ummm is something going on between you and Cookie?" Novi wondered. "Yes, I basically just told you that" Lucious got smart. "Ok my bad, sorry...but can I come in? Please?" She begged. "Why do you want to come in in the first place Novi? Don't you think that's weird for me and you to be together alone?" Lucious informed. "I mean... it can be. But it's nothing like that. I just need to talk to you about something that's all" she made clear. "Talk to me about what?" Questioned Lucious. Novi sighed.

"About y'all's relationship. Maybe I can help y'all out?" She lied. "Ok well I guess you can come in" he accepted. "Thank you" she said as she walked into the house. "So do you have champagne or anything? I like to drink something when I'm talking" she excused. "Yeah I have wine in the fridge"  Lucious assured her.

Lucious POV
Well at first I didn't want to let Novi in because it's weird you know? It would've been a different story if Cookie was coming back but I know my wife. When she's mad, she's not coming back until we end up talking it out. But Novi said that she is gonna talk to me about our relationship to try and help us out so I figured why not? Maybe she's just trying to help and maybe it's nothing wrong with me and her being in the house together alone.

To Cookie and Omar...
"I just wanna know what happened between you two. Y'all been real on and off lately and I'm just concerned that's all" Omar lied. "Ok and I can talk to you about that without you being in the room with me plus Omar that's weird" Cookie let him know. "How?" Omar asked confused. "Um, me talking to my husband friend about what's going on in our relationship? That's weird as hell." She informed him.

Cookie POV
Even though I was mad as hell at Lucious, I know what's right and what's wrong. Me talking to him about what's going on between me and my soon to be ex husband? Hell no, weird as hell. It's not like we are real close friends or something. Because if we were, then that'll be a different story. "Look, I know we haven't always been very close but let's just look at it as a friend to friend talk? Lucious is my friend and your my friend. So can I come in?" He begged.

Even though I find it weird but what if he really does help this relationship? Sometimes God sends people to you to help you. And no we are not close friends. Anybody that Lucious talks to we are not close. We might joke time from time because me and Lucious always looked at it like, if that's your friend then that's my friends. That's just how our relationship is.

But me and Lucious friends aren't that close to the point where we talk to each other about that type of stuff. "Come in" I allowed.

Back to Lucious and Novi...
Lucious POV
So I have been opening up to Novi about what's been going on and I'm not gonna lie, opening up about your feelings actually do make you feel better. We've been drinking whine while talking but for some reason I just feel... horny. Not saying I want to do it with her because i would never. I would never have sex with another woman I can't imagine myself doing that especially with my wife's sister that's real low.

Me and her was just talking and she looked down at my dick. I covered it. "Oh, your friend is hard down there i see.." she said surprised. "Uh, sorry... it's not that I wanna do it with you I would never it's just that I had this problem growing up where my D would always get hard..." I lied. Not even knowing if that's possible or not. But aye, I got to come up with some type of excuse. Because if not, she's gonna think I want her and tell Cookie and things are already bad between me and her that's not gonna make it better. That's really gonna make Cookie want to get a divorce.

"Well it's ok. I actually like it. Stop covering it up and let me see" she told me. "What?!" I said getting in defense mode very quick. What the hell did she just say? I never thought Novi was like that. See that's why I should've never let her in the house.

"What? Come on it's hard... let me fix it" she said trying to grab it, I smacked her hand. "Ow!" "No!" I yelled. "Damn why you do aggressive? And I didn't know that you were a woman beater" she said catching an attitude. "Just like I didn't know that your were a slut and that you would try to sleep with your sister's husband" I clapped back. "See... I don't know why I let you in here in the first place. I should've never been too damn nice and I just should've went by my first mind!" I spoke frustrated.

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" She said walking up to me. She got so close to me until we could easily kiss. She started leaving kisses on my neck which didn't make it no better. I slowly started falling into her trap. Until I looked on the counter and I seen Cookie's ring. After that the only thing I could think of was Cookie. I can't do this shit. I love my wife. Even if she's talking about divorcing me I can't sleep with another woman especially not her sister. Novi was about to kiss me on the lips but I stopped her.

"You should go Novi. This was a mistake. You're her sister and she's my wife. I can't do this to her..." I admitted. "It can just be a one time thing. Nobody has to know" she told me. "No, it can't just be a one time thing. Because it being a one time thing doesn't make it right or better" I told her. "Ok well how about-" "GET OUT!" I snapped. "Woah, ok... I'll be leaving" she said quickly leaving. I sighed..

I was still horny and dick hard as a brick. I don't have my wife here, I'm not bout to cheat so the only thing I can do to fix it is use my Tom and Jerry. If y'all don't know what that means, that's something that old folks say referring to your legs but I'm changing the meaning of it. When I say Tom and Jerry I'm talking about my hands.

Back to Omar and Cookie....
Cookie POV
Me and Omar have been talking and I finally got done telling him everything. "Well from the looks of it, it looks like you don't need him" said Omar. "What?" I said, being caught off guard. "He doesn't deserve you. You deserve better and I can give you that" he said getting closer to me. "Whoa, whoa. What the hell has gotten into you? I could see if you just said I deserve better but with you.... your suppose to be his friend." I told him. "Yeah but for you, I'm willing to break the bro code because I can give you so much better and your so fucking sexy" he stated.

"Get out Omar" "why? He cheated on you why you can't cheat on him?" "Honestly, I would if I wasn't pregnant but I'm not that type of woman. I would never sleep with a man that's not the father of my child while I'm pregnant that just doesn't sit right with me" I explained. "Oh...." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE FOR?! GET OUT!!!!" I snapped. "Alright alright damn" he said.

After he left I just broke down crying. It's just everything....everything that's going on. Me having to be a single mother, me about to be living the single life again, me being shocked that my soon to be ex husband's friend just tried to make a move on me. Just everything.

Back to Lucious....
After Lucious busted a nut he washed his hands, took him a shower and came out the bathroom. He looked on the counter at the ring. He picked up the ring and just thought about how hurt his wife must be. And that he is gonna have to explain the situation with him and her sister because he doesn't want to keep any secrets from her. It hurts, it hurts him so bad. While having the ring in his hand he just broke down crying on the floor. He never cried this hard before except for about his mother.

Just a lot going on.... 🥺

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