Chp 2

173 10 4

Lucious POV
Right now me and Cooks are in the office. I'm on my computer looking over some cases. Since we are a couple we get to work on cases together and we have the same office. Cookie is in my lap helping me look over the cases. We suppose to be meeting with our clients soon. Until.....

Cookie started leaving kisses on my neck and she started nibbling on my ear. Which is my biggest turn on. "Mmm... baby whatchu doin? We gotta get back to work" I warned her. "I want you" she said still nibbling on my ear. Causing me to rock up. She went back to my neck and then she got on top of me and started grinding on me. "Please?" She begged.

"Alright but it's gonna have to be a quickie because our client shouldn't be too far away" i told her. "I don't care Lucious it can be a quickie I just want some dick" she pleaded. I shook my head and laughed. One thing about Cookie is she's a freak and I love that. I got up and locked the door and then walked back over to her. She looked at me with full of hunger in her eyes. I caught her off guard and quickly turnt her around and has her bent over the desk. I pushed up her dress and took off her panties and started pounding into her. I pulled on her hair and covered her mouth so nobody wouldn't hear the moaning. Yes I was going fast because I don't want us to get caught.

I kept going that pace until both of us came. We cleaned our self up, sprayed and I let her borrow my brush cause her hair was messed up a little bit from me pulling it.

Soon our client came in and the office was back to it's normal smell when he came in. (Forgot to mention that they are lawyers dealing with criminal stuff such as domestic violence and being accused of rape/being a victim of rape)

"Hi, sorry I was late" said Mr Johnson. "It's alright Mr. Johnson have a seat" I told him. And he did as told. "Alright so Mr. Johnson I seen here that you got into a fight with your Ex girlfriend's boyfriend... that night you was locked up and charged with domestic violence.... is that true?" Asked Cookie.

I looked up at her and smiled. My baby is so damn professional. "Yes Mrs. Lyon that is true" said Mr. Johnson. "Ok so tell us about how this happened" said Cookie. "Ok well for starters me and my ex had broke up after being together for 2 years. Like a month later I texted her and I was like I miss you" he trailed off and I gave him an understanding nod.

"Anyways I didn't know she had a boyfriend and her boyfriend got her phone and started texting me saying to stop texting my girl and that I messed up and that she's mine now so you know I was raised with respect so I told him my bad I ain't know she had a boyfriend and it's like he did not accept my apology he was still fussing and he was like drop yo addy and I was like I'm not about to give you my address" Mr. Johnson explained.

"So my ex gave him my address-" I cut him off. "Sorry to interrupt you but how do you know for sure that your ex girlfriend gave her boyfriend your address?" I questioned him. "Because he admitted it" said Mr. Johnson. "Do you have proof of that?" I asked him. "Yes, I have all of the text messages saved" he said and I nodded. "Alright so I want you to keep those text messages because one thing the Judge looks for is proof. Not you just talking" I warned. And he gave me an understanding nod.

"Yes sir I understand" said Mr. Johnson. "Ok you can continue" I told him. "Ok so after that he came to my house. While fussing, walked up to my porch and punched me in the face and by me defending myself I started fighting back" Mr. Johnson spoke.

"And how did you defend your self?" Cookie asked. "Well when he punched me I stumbled back and when he tried to punch me again I blocked him and then I punched him and mind you he was on the stair so after I punched him he fell and my stairs are like concrete so after he fell he fell hard on the back of his head and he had a big not and he's head nearly busted and they called the police and that's how I got charged" said Mr. Johnson.

"But it was self defense though because I defended myself so that's why I'm like how can y'all charge me when y'all didn't even charge this man for trespassing when he was the one on my property?" Said Mr. Johnson.

"Wait a minute, he came on your property but yet they couldn't charge him with criminal trespassing?" I questioned raising an brow. "Yes that's what I am telling you sir" said Mr. Johnson and I just shook my head. "Dang that's messed up, but just know me and Mrs. Lyon will try our best to help you win this case and we will be checking this other dude background to see do he have any history" I told him.

"Thank you" he said getting up and shaking my hand. "And remember to bring evidence because that evidence is what's going to help you out" Cookie reminded. "Yes ma'am" he said.

7 days later........
Court day.....

No one's POV
"This case is Johnson vs Whitaker vs Brown." The judge called out. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lyon and Mrs. Lyon all stood up. So did Mr. Whitaker and his now girlfriend which is Mrs brown stood up. "Mr. Whitaker you say the defendant kept stalking your girlfriend and you went to confront him and you got attacked by him. You fell down his hard stairs when he punched you leaving a big not in the back of your head that caused some serious problems, is that true?" Said the judge. "Yes your honor that is very true" said Mr. Whitaker. Mr. Johnson just shook his head at the lies they we're telling.

"Mr. Johnson you say that you didn't know that Mrs.Brown was in a relationship. You claim that you after you found out Mrs. Brown was in a relationship you apologized but your apology wasn't accepted and that Mr. Whitaker came on your property and attacked you so you punched him out of self defense is that true?" Said the Judge. "Yes your honor" Mr. Johnson answered.

"Alright Mr. Whitaker and Mrs. Brown tell me why you opened this case today?" Said the Judge. "Well first off your honor I just wanna say that he is lying because he knew that I had a boyfriend" said Mrs brown. "How I know you had a boyfriend when you didn't even tell me?" Mr Johnson asked. "Because you follow me on Instagram!" She semi yelled.

"Lies, when we broke up you blocked me on all social media's so if you blocked me how could I possibly see that you had a boyfriend? The only thing I could get in contact with you on was through regular text messages because that's the only thing you didn't block me on" Mr. Johnson stated. "Well I don't know maybe you made fake pages to see me like all people do nowadays" Mrs. Brown accused.

"Hold up now Mrs. Brown ima get you straight right there... not everyone makes fake pages" the Judge told her and people clapped. "Nah but he is the type of person to do that" Mrs Brown stated. "So your basically saying that Mr. Johnson is a stalker?" The judge questioned. "Yes your honor" Mrs. Brown said.

To be continued.....

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