Chp 15

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Shout to TheyluvJanyah  for the baby idea names ❤️

Still the same day....

Now that the gender reveal is over everyone is leaving. While leaving, Mignon and Novi stopped Omar & Mike. "What y'all want?" Questioned Omar. "Me and Novi here, has a plan" Mignon stated. "A plan? What you mean a plan?" Asked a confused Mike. Mignon looked at Novi for her to say something and Novi looked at Mignon.

Novi gave her the you tell him look so Mignon started talking. "So y'all don't like Cookie & Lucious right?" "Uhhhh..." Omar said struggling to say something. "Don't answer that. I know you don't. And don't worry because you are not alone" said Mignon.

"Hold up, Novi you in on this too? Ain't you suppose to be her sister?" Said Mike. "Yeah, and? If I don't like the bitch then I just don't like her" she admitted.

"Well besides that, since you two don't like them and I don't like them-" "I actually love Cookie just can't stand that nigga Lucious" Omar interrupted. "Yeah he obsessed with cookie" Mike blurted out. Omar hit him, telling him to shut up because he talk too much.

"So like, we both don't want them together so we gone come up with a plan or something?" Questioned Omar. "Yes but it can't just be any plan. It's gotta be a good plan like a plan that will really have them done done" Novi ordered. "Ouu and I think I got the perfect idea" said Omar. "Forreal? What is it?" Novi asked wanting to know.

"I know a girl that is 6 months pregnant and I can get her to message Cookie like Lucious got her pregnant and show her ultrasound for proof and if she doesn't fall for it I'll be in on it with making a fake page of Lucious and me and the girl will be texting back and fourth that way the girl can screen shot it to Cookie like she has nothing to hide and that she's telling the truth" Omar explained.

"Oh damn, that's a really damn good plan" said Novi. "I know. I'm a genius so does everyone agree?" "Yeah I agree seems pretty good and something that will really have them two be done with each other" Mike replied. "You already know I agree" replied Novi. "I agree too" replied Mignon.

"Ok so when are we gonna do this?" Mignon Questioned. "First thing tomorrow. I'll hit the girl up and try to talk her into texting Cookie to act like she got pregnant by Lucious" Omar informed. "Alright cool" said Novi.

To Cookie & Lucious...

"So how do you feel about having 2 girls and 1 boy?" Cookie asked her husband. "Well I'm actually happy. I have two little girls that I have to protect. Well actually that me and my son have to protect and um... I can spend father and daughters time with them and have talks and when I'm tired of being around all of the girls I can go to my son and we can have son and father time and talks" Lucious explained.

"What about you?" He asked. "Well I feel the same way you do. I have two little mini me's that I can spend girly time with and have one knuckle head son that I can spend mother and son time with" she joked. They both laughed.

"Yes it's amazing" Lucious spoke. "Yes it is. And to have 3 beautiful babies at that? It's just a big blessing" Cookie spoke. "Yes it's really amazing because who would've imagined that we have triplets?" Lucious wondered. "No one" said Cookie. "So would you be ok with having another one in the future maybe?" Lucious asked her. "It just depends on how we handle 3 kids and if I feel like going through 9 months with a baby again" she admitted.

"It's ok I respect that. I don't have to go through the pain so if you don't want another one it's cool" Lucious assured her. "But like I said Lucious it depends so don't go to overthinking. If we can handle 3 kids and I feel like I can deal with carrying a baby for 9 months then we will have another one. And if I feel like 3 kids is too much or I don't wanna go through the 9 months we can adopt or just stick to our 3 kids but if we do have another one the triplets gonna have to be at least 3 or 4" she continued.

"Ok ok baby and how many times do I have to tell you that I respect that? The women out here are better than me because I think I wouldn't have a child if I was woman" said Lucious. Cookie smiled. "I'm glad I got a man that understands what women have to go through unlike the other asshole men out here" Cookie complimented. "Correction, Husband" he corrected her. She smiled. They double kissed each other lips.

"But speaking of triplets, who gonna babysit them when we are at work? I mean we need to find different people because I don't want one person taking care of 3 babies especially if that's a person that ain't never had 3 babies before because it's just too much" Lucious stated. "Yeah, uh... my grandma could take care of one of them. I know she wouldn't mind" said Cookie. "Yeah and I could ask my daddy but he stay too high off of crack so that's a no no" stated Lucious.

"Well maybe they're just gonna have to go to a daycare" Cookie suggested. "Oh hell no" Lucious rejected. "What?" Questioned Cookie. "When I was a baby, daycares never went too well for me. Some snotty kids always use to put they hands on me. My daughters and son ain't experiencing that I'm sorry because if they come back home with any knot, scratch or anything on them, somebody ass is grass"

"And that's why we teach them how to fight" Cookie reminded him. "They're just babies they not gonna catch on" he corrected her. "Yeah, well... we just gonna have to find a good daycare. And speaking of that I think I know a good daycare that never got any complaints or anything" Cookie implied.

"But enough of that what are they names gonna be?" She questioned. "How about Trinity, Truth and Taylor?" Suggested Lucious. "Ok but like, who gonna be named who?"

"The girls are gonna be named Trinity and Truth and the boy name is gonna be Taylor." Lucious picked out. "But isn't Taylor a girl name?" Wondered Cookie. "No. Boys can be named Taylor too and for short we can call him Tay or Taytay" said Lucious. "True" Cookie agreed.

The next day..
Omar went over the girl house that was 6 months pregnant. He knocked on the door. "Who is it?" "It's Omar" Omar called out. She opened the door. "Hi Omar what are you doing here?" The girl questioned. "Sandy, I need you to do me a favor" he told her. "What kind of favor? And you know you gotta pay me" she told him. "Don't worry, i will. But it's this couple named Cookie and Lucious and it's like Cookie won't break up with this nigga for nothing so I need you to text Cookie, send her a pic of your ultrasound and tell her that Lucious got you pregnant" Omar instructed. "And what if she doesn't fall for it?" Said Sandy.

"Just in case she doesn't fall for it, I'm gonna go and make a fake Lucious page and you and me will be texting back and fourth and you gonna send her the text messages when y'all first started talking vs when he got you pregnant and you two got in a big argument. And I'm gonna go head and make this account so when I text you don't freak out that way we can be ahead so if she ask for text messages you got them" he explained.

"Ok I think I can do that" said Sandy. "Good, how much I owe you?" Asked Omar. "$500" she stated. Omar gave her the five hundred dollars. "We are gonna do this today and as soon as I text you from that fake page I need you to text me back and when we get done with the message thing that's when you text Cookie and I will give you her Instagram" he told her. "Alright" said Sandy as Omar walked out the door.

For now on I'm gonna start shouting people out for giving me ideas and I read somebody story (can't remember the @) and they have Cookie & Lucious child named Truth. So if thats you and your reading this story please know that I am not copying off of you.

And I tried to do it a little different with naming the girl Truth instead of the boy. Just had to clear that up because I don't want no drama 👌🏽

And this story is close to coming to an end. I actually enjoyed this chapter though .. 👀

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