Chapter 3: Training

Start from the beginning

"Do you remember the conversation we just had?"

"Uh- s- sort of?" Izuku stuttered.

"Sort of?" Afo questioned.

"Well, I remember most of what you said, but I can't remember what I said..." Izuku answered.

"Hm. Interesting."


Hours of testing later, they were finally done. Afo felt that he had most of the information that he needed, and he could tell that Izuku was tired.

So far, most of his theories were correct.

Izuku can't remember what his other self has done, but he remembers everything else.

Izuku #1 (they really have to find a name for each personality) is the timid and nervous one, while Izuku #2 is the bold, slightly rude, and attitude-y one. He also doesn't appreciate being #2.

When one is given a quirk, the other can't access it. It's like they are completely different people in different bodies.

The personalities can also be switched based on emotions. If he's in #2, and becomes nervous he'll switch to #1. If he gets excessively angry as #1, he'll switch to #2.

It's quite interesting.

It also gave Afo ideas for the future.


Izuku sat on the couch, exhausted; mainly just mentally. Tenko walked into the living room shortly after.

"What happened to you?" The older sibling asked.

"Testing." Was all the explanation Izuku gave.

"Ah. Yeah, that sucks." Tenko plopped down onto the couch next to Izuku, while turning on the tv.

"Kurogiri is supposed to come over Saturday and 'babysit' us." Tenko informed his brother.

"Kuro who?" Izuku asked.

"Oh, you haven't met him yet. Well, dad is going somewhere Saturday and Kurogiri -dads friend- will be watching us."

"Oh okay. Is he nice?"

"Yeah. He's kind of motherly. It's annoying." Tenko complained. Izuku just laughed.

"Oh hey, did you find out what your quirk is?" Tenko asked as he went through the channels.

"Yeah. It's basically two personalities that are two different people completely. Apparently my other half is rude."

"Ooh cool." Tenko complimented.

"You think so? I think it's boring."

"What?! No, it's definitely cool!"

Izuku smiled at his brother's kindness. "Thanks."


The next week, Izuku started training. Tenko, who usually trained alone, finally got a training partner.

They started off with basic combat, saving quirk training for later.

Tenko showed Izuku some simple moves, which he learned rather quickly.

"Good job." Tenko said as Izuku kicked a punching bag without falling.

"Haha yes! I finally did it!" Izuku cheered.

Over the following weeks, the training became more intense and difficult. And Izuku kept up with it, learning quickly.

By the time two months had gone by, Izuku could hold his own in a fight with Tenko. Tenko felt his brother was finally ready for quirk training. It was more dangerous, so he had to be careful.

First, they started with something simple; switching back and forth between personalities. Izuku mastered it fairly easily.

So they went to the next step, training the separate personalities with different fighting styles and quirks- with the help of dad.

He usually just watched, but for this next step, he'd have to teach Izuku how the quirks worked.

Izuku #1 (who Afo named Kiyokan, but Izuku doesn't know that yet) was given a quirk that could control metal, while Izuku #2 (Afo decided to keep his name Izuku for untold reasons) was given a powerful quirk; a variation of his own.

Izuku was going to be one of his successors, so he might as well get some of that power now. Tenko would get the better version, but it had a painful process. Afo knew Tenko could handle it though.

"Izuku, you must be careful. This quirk is extremely powerful. You will have to train especially hard to control it. Do you think you can?"

Izuku nodded confidently.

"Alright." And so, quirk training truly began.


Good morning, noon, evening, or whatever time it is for you.

I once again have no self control and am probably going to post a little later.

Uh I'm tired and don't really have anything to say, so,

I hope you have an amazing day!

Don't forget to comment and vote❤️

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