3. I just wanna get to know you

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Hoseok opened his door and pulled you in. You stood there amazed.

"This is where I stay. I could move somewhere else alone, but it's nice to be here close to the other members!" He says as he smiled brightly

"Wow this is much bigger and brighter than my room..." You start to look around astonished.

•Hobi's pov•

I chuckle as she curiously looks around the room. She's so cute. I hear knocking at the door.

"I'll open. It mut be the food" I say and she nods. I was correct. I place the food on to the table and sit down. She sits across me. I notice her being nervous and massaging the palms of her hands.

•Y/n's pov•

"So, have you been enjoying your new job?" Hobi asks and starts to eat. You do the same.

"Yeah I have. I'm glad I got this job. I've been dancing my when lifetime and this is what make me happy and feel alive. You know, the electric feeling in your body when you move at the same beat as the music plays and ahh.. I'm starting to ramble.." you look down at your food.

"No no! Please continue! I wanna get to know you better Y/n. And you look so cute when you get excited." Hobi says and gives you a shy smile. You blush and look away.

"A-ahh thank you! S-so u-umm when did you move to Seoul?" You ask trying to change the subject away from you.

"How did you know I moved to Seoul? I thought that was only army information.. Are you an army?" he asks teasing you. Your face goes red. You blew up your plan to hide the fact that you are an army. You just stutter as Hobi chuckles to you.

"So who's your bias?" He leans to his hands.

"J-ho-joonie. Namjoon. RM. RM is my bias." You say as you almost choke. He looks disappointed. There's an awkward silence, but Hobi breaks it.

"You aren't fully Korean, are you? Where are you from?" he asks.

"No I'm not. My father and his side of family is. My mum is a little different. Her father aka my grandad is from France and her mom aka my grandma is from Sweden. My family is kinda complex I know" I giggle.

"Wow so I was correct. I thought that your body wasn't looking like the others." He said with quieter tone.

-Did I hear him correctly? Does he think I'm hot perhaps? Nahh I might just have heard him wrong..- You think to yourself and look at the time as you finish eating. "Didn't you have to be somewhere?" I ask.

"Shoot!" He says standing up. You stand up as well and follow him to the door.

"Would you like to do this another time? I had fun getting to know you." Hobi says smile in his face as he takes your hand. His hand is warm and you feel good around him so you don't mind.

"Sure. Time flew with you too quickly" You say as you guys walk to the recording studio. You see Namjoon at the corner of your eye. He seems pissed.

"See you later honey. Oh, may I call you honey?" he takes both of your hands to his. You just giggle.

"Yes you can, see you later sunshine" You both smile and he goes to the studio.

You have one more choreography to do. The previous choreographer had done everything else. You play mp4 file named Anpanman demo. It's a playful and fun song and immediately think of a choreography. You ended up polishing the choreography till 5pm. You felt that the choreography was fire and awesome. But you still felt like dancing.

You decided to let your inner hoe out and dance to Wiggle wiggle by Hellovenus. You start to feel yourself and you vibe hard. Suddenly the door opens in the middle of your twerking. You fall and Namjoon rushes to you.

"Are you okay?" He helps you up with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine, thanks. Do you need anything? If you want to practice I can leave-" You say as you rush to pause the music.

"I was actually wondering if you were here and if you could help me with the choreography. I mean if you're willing to work anymore today" he seems nervous. You give him a warm smile.

"Of course I can where do you need help?" you ask and you guys start to dance. After an hour you're so exhausted and hungry that you have to stop. Luckily Namjoon was so good that you wonder why he needed your help.

"Namjoon you did so well. I think you would have been amazing tomorrow even without me" you smile to Namjoon as you start to pack your things.

"I just actually wanted to spend time with you.." he admits as he walks to you. He puts his hand around your waist and gently grabs your chin.

"Namjoon-" you hear the door open.

"Hey Y/n- oh Namjoon.." you hear Hobi's voice. You pull yourself out of Namjoon's touch and look at Hobi.

"Never mind, I'm not gonna bother you guys more." Hobi leaves quickly.

"Hoseok!" You run after him but you aren't able to catch him. You stand in the lobby little sad. -I have to make it up to him tomorrow..- You think and head to the nearest grocery store. You buy yourself some food and Sprite and green M&M's, hoping that he'll accept your apology. You head to the dorms. You put your food in the fridge and go to the shower. Then you head straight to bed and all you could think about is Jung Hoseok. Damn you Jung Hoseok and you beautiful smile.



Thank you for reading the third chapter of Steamy dancing. I promise it's going to get more interesting now!


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