"he almost beat Midoriya at the Sports Festival" Jirou added on.

I totally skipped that fight to get food. she thought to herself. remembering how she had forgotten to get herself food before watching the games, and so she let it play on the tv while she made popcorn.

from what she had seen so far, Midoriya was pretty strong, almost as powerful as Bakugou, and his quirk was similar to All Might's. that must mean that Shinso was strong was well.

"hmmm," she hummed, watching as the boy and his class passed by them.

at the assembly all of the students at UA were there along with the teachers. they talked about what happened the night before. turns out that Midoriya and Bakugou had a fight on one of the training grounds, and that's why they stayed in the dorms. they were on house arrest. Kiyo truthfully didn't notice their absence, though she did think it was strange that she hadn't heard yelling all day.

after those small speeches from the principal and the teachers, the students were dismissed back to their classes. today was their first day back at regular classes, and Kiyo was glad that she didn't have to do hero training and use her quirk.

"excuse me, Mr. Aizawa, may I ask a question?" Asui raised her hand once class started, "what were those things the principal was talking about during the opening ceremony? I've never heard the term 'hero work studies' before"

Aizawa sighed, "I was planning to talk about those at a later date, but I guess telling you now is more logical... to put it simply, it's work outside of class, like the internships you did at pro hero agencies before, only closer to the real thing"

"WAIT THEN WHY DID WE WORK SO HARD AT THE SPORTS FEST?!" Uraraka suddenly exclaimed.

"she's right," Iida spoke, "if we have work studies, those who aren't scouted at the sports festival still have career paths"

"you'll be using your connections from the festival to secure a work study. it's basic networking"

im just glad it's not required. Kiyo thought to herself. since she wasn't going to actually become a hero, she didn't really need to do all this extra work.

"now that you have your provisional licenses you can assist in real ways for longer periods of time. until now there haven't been many first years who've received their licenses. with the increased villain activity we're currently exploring the idea that you can participate in the work studies as well... we'll explain more at a later date, but for now we've got other things to worry about"

and with that English class with Present Mic had started.


Kiyo enjoyed being alone. she liked having time to herself to read, play music, and train her quirk without someone breathing down her neck and watching her every move. she was happy with having Todoroki as as her only friend. neither of them were really fond of going out and doing stuff, they could just sit in silence or talk alone amongst themselves and be comfortable like that.

having grown up with that being the only form of friendship she knew, she was kinda glad to have met more people she could do the same with when she moved to UA. Jirou was the first friend she made. they both bonded over their love for music and picking on Kaminari and Bakugou. she even got Jirou into reading romance novels when she had noticed Kiyo's collection and was intrigued with the short summary's the grey eyes girl would tell her.

after that, Jirou formally introduced her to Sero, who also had a love for those novels and often traded them with Todoroki every once in a while. though she had seen that Sero could be just as rowdy as the others, she figured that if Jirou and Todoroki liked having him around then she would too. finding out that he actually was fun to be around and could easily make her laugh was an added bonus.

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