Different Circumstances

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Emily was lazing at home with Aaron the next day when JJ's call came in.


"Hey, Emily. There's this case where Barnes would not approve for the BAU to investigate. She said she is comfortable with the risk if victim number 17 died."

"Wait. Did you just say victim number 17? Means there are 16 victims already? Why is the BAU not called in?"

"Because it was from a link that Garcia found in the cyber crimes unit. When Garcia told her boss, he just dismissed it and told her to refer to another unit. It wouldn't be under our radar if not for Garcia. Both her boss and Barnes thought the pictures were faked. We both know the pictures are real." JJ explained.

"Bring the file and meet me at my house, JJ. I can't enter the BAU."

"Got it."

10 minutes later, Emily's doorbell rings.

"That must be JJ," Emily said and went to open her door.

"Hi. Come in."

"Thanks. Wow, lovely house. Oh, hi, Hotch!"

"Hi JJ. It's good to see you. Here, we have set up a table, whiteboard, laptop, projector, pillows and two couches. Oh yeah, and coffee will be ready when the team reaches here." Hotch greeted JJ and pointed at the living room set up.

"Wow. You invited the whole team?" JJ asked.

"Yes. We were waiting for you to arrive and I just blast all of them. Now we have some time to set up before they arrive." Emily told JJ while looking up from her phone.

"Great. Hotch, you're joining us?" JJ asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't just sit and watch Barnes tear down BAU."

"Morgan might be joining us too. I invited him." Emily told them.

Just as Emily finished talking, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it. You both can continue." Aaron said as he walked past the couch to the door.

"Hi. Wow. Did everyone carpool here?" Aaron opened the door and saw Garcia, Morgan, Reid and Rossi.

"No. We just happen to reach at the same time. I mean, of course Derek fetched me here, technically we carpool." Garcia replied.

"Well, come on in. Emily and JJ are just setting up. I think they're done." Aaron said as he locked the door and set the alarm after the four of them entered.

"Everyone get settled in," JJ told them as she pointed out the couches.

"Dips on the seat closest to the window!" Morgan said to Reid as he ran toward the seat.

"Not fair," Reid said as he sat next to Morgan, leaving a seat in between for Garcia. Garcia shook her head as she took the seat in between Morgan and Reid. Rossi sat on the second couch, facing the whiteboard, where JJ already sat. Aaron went to stand next to Emily.

"Thank you, all of you, for coming. I've missed this, us. As a team." Emily started.

"I'm so glad we are meeting again for a case, although I hope it's under different circumstances." Aaron continued.

"Before we do this, I need to be sure everyone understands what we're getting into. JJ has been told not to investigate this case. If we do, we are violating direct orders, and eventually, Barnes will find out. If something goes wrong or we don't catch this Unsub, she will shut down the BAU and most likely fire all of you who are still working for the FBI. No more reassignments." Emily continued.

"You know what? Even if everything does go right and we do catch our Unsub, the same thing could happen. She is already putting messed up agents in the BAU." Reid said.

"Right. Barnes would try to spin it, label the BAU a rogue unit or a non-functional unit that needs to be shut down." JJ continued.

"Right. So if anyone has doubts, no shame, no judgment, you are free to walk out of the door." Emily continued.

"Well...The BAU started in a room just like this one. If this is how it goes out, so be it." Rossi said.

After seconds of silence as Emily and Aaron looked over at each of the team.

"We're all in?" Aaron said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay, great. Now, let's talk victimology..." Emily continued.

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