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"I-want-to reiterate that this conversation is on the record," Barnes told Emily.

"Sure, ma'am" Emily tried her best not to roll her eyes. Barnes had told her that she is recording the conversation 3 times. She sounded like a broken record.

"This is me, Assistant Director Linda Barnes sitting with Unit Chief Emily Prentiss. Agent Prentiss, do you know why you're here today?"

"No, I don't."

"Agent Prentiss, are you sure?"

"Ma'am, you asked to meet me. Why don't you tell me?"

"Agent Jareau didn't call you?" Barned replied to Emily's question with a question.

"Agent Jareau called me five days ago to discuss a consult we were working on."

"How about yesterday? Did Agent Jareau call you?"

"Yes. Agent Jareau called me when she and Reid found out additional information on the unsub to..."

"No, I'm not talking about the case here, Agent Prentiss. I shall be clear now, did Agent Jareau call you after you and your team landed AFTER the case?" Barnes emphasizes.

"No, ma'am. Agent Jareau did not call me AFTER we landed." Emily replied.

"Agent Prentiss, stop calling me ma'am. It's disrespectful. You know my name and my position, so call me by that. Anyways, I've just asked you one simple question, and you've obviously lied to me without even flinching. Shall we try that again?" Barnes asked and stopped the recording.

"Let me ask you again, Agent Prentiss. Did Agent Jareau call you after the case?"

"No, Agent Jareau did not call me after the case."

"Then, why do I have yours and her phone record here that shows..."

Emily cut Barnes halfway, "I called Agent Jareau to let her know we have another case. She did inform me that she had spoken with you, but she did not disclose what was said."

"Okay, fine. Without further ado, I shall drive straight to the point. As I'm sure you're aware, the one-year anniversary of Agent Reid's arrest in Mexico is coming up next week, and it's half a year since we caught Mr...Scratch, who even named him that."

"Yes, I am."

"I went through all you and your team's reports. What I found, Agent Prentiss, was, to you, team loyalty is more important than Bureau policy."

"I'm sorry?"

"I haven't done talking, Agent Prentiss. As I'm sure you're aware, grievous mistakes have been made. So that's why we're here today, to discuss... the state of the Behavioral Analysis Unit under the leadership of Emily Prentiss."

"What mistakes, if I may ask?"

"You see. BAU had spiral downwards ever since the beginning. You were just a scapegoat when Aaron Hotchner left for you to take over. Why would you even leave such a prestigious position as the Interpol Chief in London?"

"Excuse me, Assistant Director Barnes. I don't think you have answered my question."

"I'm not here to answer all your questions, Agent Prentiss."

"Right. I don't get where we are heading in this conversation. First, you mentioned Agent Reid's arrest and Scratch. Then, you alleged that grievous mistakes have been made but did not explain what mistakes. After that, you when on about me coming back to BAU..." Emily did not manage to finish her sentence, and Barnes cut her off.

"Well, Agent Prentiss, I think I have an idea why you came back to the BAU. It's because the Bureau spent so many resources to fake your death. You felt indebted."

"Hold on there. The Bureau did not spend any resources on my fake death. It was all through my personal accounts.

"You were using your personal accounts when you were, presumably, dead? That seems plausible, isn't it?"

"With all due respect, ma'a...Assistant Director Barnes. I know I had to go rogue on an unsub like Doyle. Before that, I kept all my accounts in different identities."

"I don't care what your explanation is, Agent Prentiss. Let's go back to the main reason why we are here. Under your short time as the Unit Chief of the BAU, there has been an Agent's death."

"What about Agent Walker?"

"You are the one who recruited SSA Walker to join the BAU..." Suddenly, Barnes' phone rings. She looked at it and told Emily, "I'm sorry. I have to get this call."

"Sure. Go ahead"

Emily knows that Barnes is using an interrogation technique to keep her on her toes. Emily tried to keep her hands to herself, especially trying her best not to bite her fingernails. She knows Barnes read her Doyle's file, and she couldn't risk it.

BAU vs Linda BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now