Catching Up

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The team ended up at Rossi's mansion for drinks two days later.

"So... how's everyone?" Rossi asked when the team gathered at his hall. They sat in a circle.

"Ugh... It sucks. I missed all of you. Especially you, gumdrop! My new boss only allows 3 personal items on my table. How could he expect me to choose! Do you know even my cute mug that I use to put my water in it to drink is considered one personal item? He's crazy. Ohh, but there's this cute girl next to me. Her name's Anita. She's the sweetest. By sweetest, I mean she's the only one who talks to me. Everyone looked at me as though I got some icky don't-talk-to-me sticker pasted on me! Maybe it's the way I dress. I need to go for a day of shopping just to fit in the clothes I don't even like!" Garcia started.

"Oh, Penelope. I miss you too! The new tech guy Barnes hired. What's his name again? Ahh... Ned. He is never on time. I seriously think Barnes hired him to shut the BAU down! I've never seen anyone so lazy!" JJ continued.

"Define lazy, JJ," Rossi asked.

"Well, the lazy Ned usually rolls in around 11 am. Do you want to hear a joke? I asked Ned to do a deep dive into victimology. Guess what he gave? A victim list for each separate case with names, DOBs, last known addresses, employment records... That's his idea about deep dive on victimology." JJ told the team, and all of them laughed.

"JJ, at least Barnes is giving you face by trying to make a BAU team. Me? Do you know more than half of my class is just auditing my class? It's like she doesn't even trust my professionalism to need so many of them auditing my class! I don't need her to control the way I teach too. It's so annoying." Reid said, clearly frustrated.

"Okay, let's lighten up the mood a little. As all of you know, I'm hired part-time to direct a crime action movie. Do you know what the so-called Agent said to the Unsub? 'Freeze, scumbag!' He said it's more natural for his character." Rossi told the team, and they laughed.

"Imagine we tell the unsubs that," Reid said.

"Excuse me, Reid, lazy Ned aside. The new team is not even 5% as efficient as us. No kidding." JJ said.

"Who are they?" Reid asked.

"There're SSA Eli, SSA Grayson and SSA Luca. SSA Eli and Grayson don't even know how to do proper paperwork. SSA Luca's pretending like his only job was to eat and eat and eat. Some days I looked at him, and I felt disgusted with my food." JJ replied.

"WHAT?! Wait...JJ, were they transferred, or it's their first time as an agent?" Garcia asked.

"I'm sorry, Garcia, I can't say anything about it," JJ replied.

"Ohh, nothing can slip through the Oracle of all knowing! But, I shall not give Barnes anything further to hang me on. That being said, I want to know about hurricane Jareau! I forgot to ask after Barnes disrupted all of us." Garcia asked and looked at Rossi.

"Mmm, not so fast, Penelope. Our Emily here is very quiet. It's not like her. Just enjoying her sip of wine while texting on the phone. It makes me wonder who is on the phone." JJ said, and everyone's attention turned toward Emily.

Emily still didn't realize her team was waiting for her to say something as she was too focused on her phone. She's so engrossed in her own world until Penelope sneaked behind her to look at who Emily is texting.

"Ohh, sweetness!" Garcia said as she saw the person whom Emily is texting. This shocked Emily, who quickly locked her phone screen, but it was too late.

"So, Emily Prentiss! Do I really see what I see?" Garcia told Emily, giving her a chance to explain herself.

"Uh...Um...It's nothing." Emily stuttered.

"IT'S NOT NOTHING! Why are you and Hotch's texts contain so many lovey-dovey emojis? Ohh...Don't tell me...Oh...Oh...I'm so not up to speed. I hate it when I'm not up to speed." Garcia spilled out.

"Uh..." Emily was trying to think of some explanation when JJ cuts in.

"Oh, that reminds me. That day when Reid called during the case, he said something about you and Hotch is together. I didn't have the chance to ask you about that!" JJ said.

"Uhh..." Emily was still speechless when Rossi spoke up.

"Hey Emily, I think it's time to let the cat out of the bag." Rossi smiled.

"Okay. Look. Yes, me and Aar--Hotch are together. I didn't want to say anything because there's never a good time." Emily told the team truthfully.

"Oh, for how long?" Garcia asked.

"Umm... More than 3 years ago." Emily replied.

"WHAT?!! And I only know this now? Oh no. Garcia's radar detector needs some fixing. This is so not happening. But...I am happy for you, so so happy! I am self-declaring to be your wedding planner and bridesmaid!"

"Uh..." Emily started to say something, and JJ cut in.

"Wait. Don't tell me you and Hotch got married already."

"Yes, they did. Aaron told me that they flew and met in Paris to get married under the Eiffel Tower. Although he promised me that he would show me the pictures soon, I haven't seen any." Rossi answered for Emily. The whole team looked at Emily, shocked by the revelation.

"SHOW ME THE WEDDING RING!" Garcia asked excitedly.

It was then Emily took out her necklace. There are two sparkling rings intertwined.

"This is my engagement ring, and this is my wedding ring," Emily explained the two rings.

"Oh, so pretty!" Garcia and JJ fawned over the rings.

"Wow. Emily. You could've fooled all of us. I was at your house. Oh wait, you and Hotch's house, and I thought both of you were just dating! And we didn't even see it when we were having dinner when you called us for the case in New York," Reid said.

"Well, they both have the best poker face in our team. Of course, you wouldn't have noticed, Spence!" JJ stated.

"Kiddos, I did. However, I didn't know they were married. I thought they were just having eye-sex with each other." Rossi said.

"Oh, wait...Morgan said you were dating Mark. What happened to him, though?" Reid asked.

"I'm sorry, Mark and I never existed. It was all Morgan. How's Morgan doing at home, Garcia?" Emily asked.

"Ohh...My chocolate thunder gets really sexy when he disciplines the kids. He looks even better being a full-time dad. Though I do miss him at work, he just started working at the FBI training academy as one of the coaches. Okay, I'm not supposed to tell any of you because it's a secret and it's supposed to be a surprise...I need to stop rambling." Garcia replied.

"How are the twins?" Emily asked.

"Ohh, they've grown up so fast. Here." Garcia replied while taking her phone out and passed it to Emily.

"Oh my gosh! They are so so cute!"

"Right? Anyways, I'm happy we have happy news despite all our sad news. You know, the good balanced out the bad, that sort of thing." Garcia said while returning Emily the rings.

Emily took the rings and wore them since the team already knew.

"Well, this occasion calls for..." Rossi said while raising his glass.

"Salut!" The team raised their glasses.

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