farewell FMHTY

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Dear prof,

You're one of the closest to me here on Wattpad. One of the first few friends I had made here and even though you're so much more smarter, and experienced, you've never let it become a barrier between us.

I still processing that FMHTY has ended and I still can't get myself to read the last part. I will soon though.

My short dedication to you 🥺❤️, you know I love youuu!!

From my heart to yours is a book that dug deep into the togetherness of family , the emotional vulnerability of humans , the close knit bond of friends , the happiness and glory of love , heartbreak and pain.

the one para that struck through me and touched my heart is where you touched the deep chord of love. the creeper story! that has my entire heart. how being in love doesn't make us weak , it just makes us stronger, we lean on a person for their support ,love and happiness. that is one part of the Book that made me feel so much.

we are all our won healers, one more thing how sana healed herself became a new woman altogether chasing her dreams aspirations but still carrying that love in her heart. 💖 how she fought for her own self but knew when to open her heart to love and forgive. to understand that pain of her better half. you nailed it 💖 an absolute beauty. all the characters that you created had something we can learn from whether it was nani's sass and valour . the doctor's kindness and sheer Humility. baba's masti . or the zumba ganga's detective giri!

the nursery rhymes that you changed the perspective for us🤭 the tinge of fun and humor made the chapters seem like a fun comic movie. the most complicated of situations was made so relatable by you. whether it was the letters that are not just mere pieces of paper but the fragments of heart that beat for our loved ones. the tinge of naughtiness in nani baba and shukla clan made us roll on the floor. literal tears 🤣 there was never a not so entertaining moment . the romance was an ever pleasing part . 🤭the small gestures , the gifts that they gifted each other with so much warmth the in between mention of food😂 the sabzi remaining in memory for the longest time.
even though there was.a time where everybody doubted the plot you didn't change it according to the whims of some people. thank you for showcasing the important aspect of life. because heartbreaks and the crippling moments of life teach us a lot..

we can never imagine the upsurge of emotions you are feeling right now ending this piece , a piece that you let us peek in. I hope that one day we will be able to put bookmarks in the published book of your's, dear professor. laugh our stomachs out.


Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.



With love,

Y'all please keep an eye out for my new book- "Baari", I'll start writing after my boards!

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