chapter 3

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Like I said, you guys are cute, you think too much 😂🤦 Who knows what the true story is?

Shehnaaz was proud of herself for handling the heartbreak so well, even if she was barely keeping up. She was holding up nonetheless.

She had rushed to her home weeping loudly that afternoon, but she didn't tell him that she was hurt. What right did she has on him anyways? The passing minutes soaked her tears, and she drank through the bleeding heart.

But this was okay! She will be better.

He had followed her, banging on the door for almost an hour , calling for her. She didn't come out . Did not show him her tear stricken face. She had to be strong in front of him. Making him feel guilty for rejecting her was not her agenda. She'll never want him to sympathise with her. She's a woman, capable of handling her own problems, irrespective of the time it took to overcome them.


"Sana darwaza khol"

The bell rung frantically a couple of times reflecting his haste , his urgency to meet her but after an hour of continuous unanswered knocks he left dejected .

"It's not what you think Sana'' he had said while leaving.

Rita Shukla was baffled upon seeing the lively and chirpy shehnaaz making a run for the entrance of their flat, she had called after her to wait for the tea

Perhaps shehnaaz was too occupied to stay. She had initially concluded but when she saw her son hot on his heels after her ,followed by Jasmine her eyes widened in understanding.

His mother's heart grieved for that poor girl . She was out for Bhramakumari's charitable event for two days thus had no idea what had happened exactly. But judging from shehnaaz's absence in her home , her usual mischievous face, girm she knew it was messed up bad this time.

She just hoped, shehnaaz gets better. His mother knew her son had seen enough of time to understand the complexities of life, but shehnaaz? She was so naive and gullible, it made her want to protect her from every evil force and bad omen. That's that thing about this girl, you just wish to shield her innocence from the world.

She sighed, knowing full well, whatever happened had hurt the girl but she knew she'll overcome. She has that fighter spirit in her. Rita has herself seen it , witnessed it with her eyes when Sidharth or shehnaaz would get into fights.

The girl made sure she puts her point across , she's fiery in a subtle kind of way.

Shehnaaz busied herself in shoots , welcoming the distraction. He had called her 56 times in the last forty eight hours and she had responded in the same manner.

No response.

She didn't understand what he wanted to talk to her about? They practically lived in the same building , only a floor apart . If he needed something he could come anytime but he did not.

If he can't see her then why even make false attempts to contact her.

But does that even matter now?

She can't let her mood being spoiled by the man she loves so much. Her friend is coming from Punjab today , and she is elated with the news.

Rohanpreet was coming to Bombay for the shoot of a music vedio with shehnaaz and she happily agreed . She had known him from the beginning of her career days. Though not knowing each other very thoroughly she had always felt positive vibes from him.

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