chapter 7

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naruto's pov:


"I don't like seeing you with anyone but me" Sasuke said to me on the phone yesterday, just by saying that he had me right back twisted on to his little pinky. "I don't like seeing you with anyone but me" kept replaying in my mind giving me butterflies just for the tone he used. God how I'd still let that man-

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a boy with a green jumpsuit standing in front of the table where I was sitting said my name loudly.

"NARUTO!!!" the kid yelled

I shook my head "oh hey I didn't see you there"

"yah I could tell you were in your Naruto land" he said while taking the sit in front of me "so where are the others" he asked looking around the cafeteria.

"um Kiba said he's going to be out of town for a dog convention, Shigamaru I think just didn't come to school and Choji is getting more food" I answered Lee

"I was busy with things..." he paused for a second "gaa- homework was very... hard and long"

"Oh please just stop you don't have to continue, I already know what you did or who you did"

Lee just laughing "so what did you do this weekend?"

"nothing much just hung out with Sai and-" before I could finish he interrupted me

"You guys went on a date!" he practically yelled which got some tables around us attention. I mouthed sorry while I shushed the overly excited boy across from me.

"It wasn't a date all we did was go on a long drive, had ramen then he took me home, It wasn't a big deal" I said while crossing my arms

"oh yes it is a big deal, did you guys kiss?" his question made me blush

"yes but not that day" Lee gasped at what I admitted to him

"When did you kiss him?" he asked practically sitting on the table now

"We kissed when he left the night we watched movies"

"and it took you what 3 days to tell me this? I thought we were best friends" he pouted

"We are but I just didn't want the same thing that happened with Sasuke to happen with Sai"

"How is that even possible Sai is single, Sasuke wasn't so I think your good. oh by the way have you talked to him recently"

"Why do you ask" I nervously said

"Oh it's nothing... it's not like he's been checking you out while he's getting his food" Lee said while averting his eyes to the side of me

"Can I look?" my cheeks turning red

"yah, he's by Choji so just like wave him down or something" as he said that I turn my head around catching a pair of black eyes staring at me. I instantly move my eyes away from the raven to Choji, I waved at him to come over and he did. Shifting my eyes back to the boy in front of me, letting out a sigh. Lee raises his eyebrows, signaling that he's waiting for me to answer his question.

With my elbows on the table and my arms up, I lay my face into my hands. Mumbling a yes to him. Lee puts his hand up to his ear and leans into the table.

"I can't hear you" he said tauntingly, I turn my head up

"Yes" I pouted

"and why haven't I heard about this one too" leaning back to cross his arms

"because we just started talking like last night" I said while letting my arms fall into the table

"Just a second ago you were worried about Sai and now Sasuke, god sometimes it's hard to kept up with you" shooting me an annoyed face

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