Chapter 7

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The Night was still going on. It was on the big road with tall trees standing on both side of the road. Tall building and city had left behind from the sight now. Spring was both scared and confused why she was captured.
She could not scream because her mouth was covered with a cloth. The car was still running on. Spring could see herself at the back of a car with a man on each side.

Suddenly, there was a bang sound from the behind. It was a sound of gun fired. Nevertheless, a beside her shot back too from the car window to the car that was coming behind. Was it Lee Yoon? Was he coming to help her?

Spring was hopeful.

She could feel the car moved a bit more speedy. But then it had to avoid from the bullets that were coming behind. The speed got slower. Suddenly, the car turn to the left just to hit the big tree. Everyone tried to come out from the car, the driver, Spring and the two men who had captured her. All were a bit hurt from the speedy car stopped. Outside, another two were  waiting. Spring felt a bit dizzy (because of she got from the white cloth the man put on her nose when capturing her).

Spring tried herself best to get conscious back. When she looked up, she saw that one of the man was Lee Yoon. She called out his name and took all her strength to run to him. Before she reached to him, there was a loud sound of gun shot.

It wasn't her who got the shot. Before she knew she was already in Lee Yoon's arms. She saw and realized that blood were coming out from one of his arms. She was shocked. However, Lee Yoon just say, "It will be fine! You're ok?"

"I'm ok. I am ok!" Spring replied. 
The man who got off from the car was shooting again. Lee Yoon/Changmin and Spring ran to another side to their car. He told her to drive away. But she couldn't leave them like that. But what could she do?
Yunho shouted at the three men then who had captured Spring. "Why are you doing this! Who ordered you" The three men did not care and continue to shoot. Yunho and Lee Yoon shot back sometimes. But they were running around back and forth. When the men were tired. They realized they had ran out of bullets.Yunho spoke up, "You will never escape men!" Police cars were coming by.

Yunho and Lee Yoon/were standing to see the man were being caught by police.

One of police came to tell Yunho that, "Thank you! Mister! We have been trying to find these four thieves for a time. They are smart. We will investigate who is behind these men on Capturing Miss Spring!"

They also saw Spring drove towards them. She lowered the car glass window and said.

"Get on the car now, you two!"

They two men looked at each other. But they did as what she said.

But Yunho said, "Miss, I think it's better I drive because I am the one who is most conscious"

"Most conscious"...Spring thought about it. But she agreed to let him drive.


Spring told Yunho to go to hospital nearby which he did.

The bullet from Changmin's arm was removed and he was treated.

Yunho and Spring waited outside the hospital room. Yunho could see Spring worried a lot about Changmin.

"He's hard to die Miss..!.He had been through more than this before!."

Spring nodded.

"You two know each other before!" Spring said looking at Yunho. But just then they heard another voice, relieving voice. "Thank god! You are here!"

It was Grace.

Yunho was a bit surprise.
She was surprise too.

Spring said, "I called her! I still have my phone with me!".

Yuri and Ryeowook had gone back home already back then.

At that moment, Changmin came out from doctor room.

Spring ran to him.

"Are you ok?"

He smiled at her and said, "It's just small cut. It's totally fine!"

He told her gently.

It's already quite late. Spring saw her father had called her several times. Spring messaged her father back.


Yunho drove them all back.

After Changmin and Spring dropped off, Yunho felt a bit nervous with Grace  who was sitting on the seat besides him.

He could see she was nervous too.

She wanted to say something but words could come out.

"Are you ok?" She finally spoke up.

"I'm ok. Everything is fine!"
He replied.

"You perform well today!"

"Thank you"

After a time she asked again.

"How do you know that we are there? And you and Lee Yoon knew each other before?!"

But before he could answer, they  already reached to her condo.

"It's a bit long story. I will tell you later!"

And they were for that night.


Spring was lying on her bed. But she could not sleep yet. She was still thinking Lee Yoon. And she did not know why she was this much thinking about him.

She got up from her bed, went out of her room and before she knew she was already in front of his room. She wanted to knock the door and asked how he is. But then he might be sleeping already. So she just stood there for sometimes and went back to her room.

Inside his room, Changmin could not sleep yet. He was thinking about the events that had happened today. He had a feeling he had seen those thugs who captured Spring before. Were they some of the same guys who had come to attack him before? He had to investigate. Before he fell asleep, he thought about Spring and her eyes shown how much she thought about him or worry about him. And that made him happy somehow.

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