17: Josh

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you're about to hear that they're struggling after staying inside for two weeks, which sounds like nothing after months in quarantine lmao


Oliver and Josh haven't left the apartment that is now their temporary home in two weeks.

As much as it has been difficult to be stuck in a basement for so long, it is a testament to the strength of their relationship that they have still been getting along with one another with hardly any issues. Of course they have the occasional small spat, as every couple does, but they resolve them with good old-fashioned communication. If anything, their relationship is getting stronger in their current situation.

They are just starting to get used to the routine, and living without sunlight, when something out of the ordinary happens. Over the two weeks that they have been stuck in this basement, nothing out of the ordinary has happened, until now.

They have both gotten rid of their cellphones, as a precaution to avoid being tracked through them. They have a burner phone, specifically one old enough not to have GPS, courtesy of a seedy pawnshop where the owner is not one to ask too many questions. The only person who has their new phone number is Elissa, so Josh doesn't hesitate to answer the phone when it rings for the first time since their arrival at the safehouse.


The answer makes Josh's blood run cold with terror. "We have your sister. We're willing to make a trade, her life for yours. We'll text you an address. One hour." Says a gruff voice, then the phone is hung up abruptly.

Josh drops the phone to the floor and sinks down onto the couch. It is all too much like the moment when he found at that there was a price on his head, only worse. It is worse because Elissa's life is in danger, and he is helpless. Helplessness has to be Josh's least favourite feelin, and he can tell that it is showing in his body language.

"Josh? What's going on?" Oli sounds worried.

Josh chokes on a sob, covering his mouth with one hand and gathering himself enough to speak. "They- They have Elissa."

Oliver sits down beside him and takes his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Tell me what happened, from the start."

So Josh relays the details of his conversation, if it can be called that, with the person who called from Elissa's phone. He is shaking, panicked as he finishes speaking and the worst kind of questions begin to run through his mind.

Is Elissa even still alive? Will they actually let her go if Josh trades himself for her? How will they kill him? Will they kill Oliver too? Will they track down Jordan and kill him as well?

"Josh? Josh!" Oliver sounds frantic, and Josh realizes that Oli has been trying to get his attention for longer than Josh has been able to hear him. It is because Josh is having a panic attack. Josh knows what his panic attacks look like, he can tell that his breath is coming quickly, his body is shaking, and his mind is clouded with panic. It feels like the walls are closing in on him and his body is too weak to do anything about it, which only worsens the panic.

Josh has panic attacks regularly, but he hasn't had one this bad in years. He can hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears, and he can seem to fill his lungs with enough air. Josh manages to look at Oliver, seeing the concern in his eyes. Oli puts an arm around Josh, holding him close and murmuring comforting words in his ear.

*     *     *

Josh looks at abandoned building in front of him, a large brownstone with boarded up windows and shutters hanging of their hinges. There seem to be holes in the roof, and bricks missing from various parts of the outer wall. A large sign on the door marks the run-down house as condemned- to be destroyed. Luckily for him, the date of the destruction is written as well, and it is still two weeks away.

Josh takes a deep breath, looks around the street to see that no one is watching, the climbs over the rickety fence. He walks up to the front door, finding it unlocked, and opens it hesitantly. The inside of the house is covered in graffiti, scorch marks, and various garbage. Josh walks in, finding his way to the living room and nearly freezing at the sight before him.

Elissa is tied to a chair, glaring vengefully at her captors. There is duct tape over her mouth, but Josh can see it loosening and knows that she must be exhaling warm air to loosen the adhesive. Her captors are two people in ski masks and all-black clothing, one of average height and the other unusually tall. One of them, the taller one, is holding a gun pointed at Elissa, the other is pointing their gun at Josh.

"Where's your partner?" One of them demands, the one who has his gun trained on Josh.

On the inside, Josh feels like his stomach is rejecting his breakfast and his heart is beating far too fast, but on the outside he manages to maintain a façade of calm detachment. He isn't sure if the masked figure is using 'partner' as in romantic partner, or 'partner' as in partner in crime. He decides to play it like he and Oliver work jobs together and nothing more, hoping that the people assume that is the truth. Besides, there is no way that Elissa told them about that, and it could play to his advantage if they think he doesn't care much whether Oli lives or dies.

"You really think we'd both show up here?" Josh can hear that his voice sounds calm, though he feels anything but calm. "Let my sister go, and he'll come join us for your little murder party."

The man pointing the gun at Josh laughs coldly, a sound completely devoid of emotion. "Nice try. Call him."

"I can't." Josh says truthfully. "This-" He tosses his phone on the floor, "-is the only phone he and I have."

The man seems to be glaring, though Josh can only see his eyes through the ski mask. "How would he know if we let her go then? He must be close by. We can find him without your help."

"There are about a couple dozen rooftops that offer a clear view of the front door to anyone with binoculars." Josh retorts, clasping his hands in front of himself to keep them from shaking with fear.

"Then you go get him, or we kill your sister."

The person standing next to Elissa cocks their gun and presses it to her, and Josh has no other choice but to relent. Elissa is glaring at the man who has a gun to her head, an expression that tells Josh that she would kill the man in an instant if she could.

"Fine." Josh spits, turning on his heel and striding out, forcing himself to seem confident despite the fact that a gun is currently aimed at his back. Once outside, he waves his hands in the air, an agreed upon signal between him and Oliver, meaning that it is time to revert to plan B. Seeing this signal, Oli should come join him fairly soon.

He's just hoping that this backup plan will work.


things are gettin intense out here!

school is kicking my ass rn

everything is happening so much

ive been rewatching the Mandalorian and damn this show fucks

this is the way, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit


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