9: Oliver

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tw for brief mentions of addiction and drugs


Oliver is surprised by his own anxiety about meeting Josh's sister.

He normally doesn't terribly mind meeting new people, but he feels like he has to impress Elissa somehow, to prove that he is worthy of her brother's affections. He knows that it's stupid, but he really can't help it. It's weird and outdated to feel like he has to impress Josh's family in order to be with him, but it appears that Oliver's need for approval outweighs all else.

"What if she hates me?" Oliver blurts out, looking at Josh who is driving him to Elissa's apartment. He is trying to find a way to quell his anxiety about meeting Elissa, because his hands are trembling and his throat feels dry.

"She won't hate you, Oli." Josh's voice is calm, reassuring. "She knows I like you, so she'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Plus, we're buying shrooms from her. It's a good way to get on her good side, buying drugs from her always her in a good mood."

Oliver laughs, somewhat soothed by Josh's words though is hasn't ended anxiety completely. "What does she do for a living? Besides selling drugs, I mean." He is wondering, because it seems that Josh isn't the only Franceschi who has pursued a life of crime.

"She sets up jobs, cleans cash, blackmails politicians..." Josh trails off, "And probably a lot more things that I don't even wanna begin to know about. Her criminal career outshines mine by far. Even I'm afraid to fuck with her, and I'm probably the only person in the world she wouldn't have murdered."

"Sounds like she'd get along with my mate Jordan." Oliver observes.

Josh grins, "They're mates already, I know because she threatens his life regularly. It's how she shows friendship."

"Small world." Oliver replies, though he isn't surprised that Jordan and Elissa already know each other. They are each other's competition, after all, when it comes to doling out jobs to thieves and other criminals. People in their line of work tend to know one another, at least well enough to know if they hate or can tolerate each other.

Josh parks the car in front of an apartment building that looks very much out of Oliver's price range. Oli gawks up at the building, all made up of glass and black brick. When he finally gathers himself enough to speak, he comments, "She's done well for herself. How'd she launder enough money to afford this place?" Many a criminal can gather enough money to afford an apartment in this kind of building, but few can successfully explain to the government where that money came from so as to not be suspicious. Oliver is immediately impressed by whatever Elissa has done to manage to make this kind of place work and not be arrested for it.

Josh grins, opening his car door to get out. "She owns a very successful bakery that she's never set foot in. She runs her money through there." He explains.

Oliver nods his approval as he gets out of the car and follows Josh into the building. Clearly Elissa is smart, only adding to the notion that she is not someone to be messed with.

The building has a clean and functioning elevator, which shouldn't seem like a luxury but it does all the same, to two guys who have never had a lot of money in their lives. Despite Josh's reassurances, Oliver can feel the anticipation building as they near Elissa's apartment. Josh knocks on the door and there is a moment before it swings open, unleashing a dizzyingly strong smell of weed.

Elissa appears in the doorway with a joint in her hand. "Welcome to casa Franceschi." She greets them, stepping aside to allow them to walk in. The inside of her apartment is as stylish and modern as the outside, if a little messy. Bags of drugs and various assorted stolen objects cover the surfaces around the apartment, which doesn't matter all that much to Oliver except for all of the coke.

He has yet to tell Josh this, but Oliver used to be dependent on cocaine. He hasn't used it in years, but it remains difficult to be around for him, so he tries his best not to look at it. The temptation tends to appear whenever he is confronted with access to cocaine, whether he really wants to do it or not. Josh sits on the couch, so Oli follows suit, trying to keep his hands from trembling and definitely failing.

"Nice to meet you, Oliver." Elissa puts out her joint in an ashtray, "I'm gonna go piss, I'll be back soon." She exits the room and Oliver exhales a shaky breath, deciding that he has to tell Josh what is going on now, while he has the chance.

"Josh, I-" Oliver bites his lip to try not to cry, "I can't be around coke, I can't. I used to-" His voice breaks and he hides his face in Josh's shoulder.

Thankfully, Josh seems to have understood what Oli is trying to convey, because he stands up abruptly. He rushes around, stuffing the bags of coke into drawers until there is only weed and mushrooms left out by way of drugs. Then he sits back down and puts an arm around Oliver. "Is that better?" He asks softly, "We can always leave if you want to."

Oliver smiles appreciatively, cuddling up closer to Josh. "That's better, thank you. I'm okay to stay." He isn't sure what he expected, probably some kind of judgement, but he is immensely relieved by Josh's supportive reaction.

When Elissa returns she looks around the room, and Oliver opens his mouth to explain but she stops him before he can speak. "Don't worry, I get it." She tells him calmly.

"Sometimes I think she's psychic." Josh mumbles to Oli, who grins upon hearing those words.

"I'm not psychic." Elissa replies, sinking down into a chair and picking up her joint and her Zippo to light it, "I'm just really fuckin' smart. Mum only passed on her intelligence to one of us."

Oliver frowns, hoping that this is all part of their sibling banter. He is reassured when Josh grins and tosses a pillow at his sister. "You got the brains, I got the charm and good looks." Josh teases.

"You're lucky I love you, or you'd be fuckin' dead right now." Elissa informs Josh casually. "Now, Oliver." She exhales a puff of smoke, "What are your intentions with my brother?" She manages to sound strangely like a parent interrogating their child's prom date.

Oli grins, "Hopefully lots of dates, eventually asking him to be my partner." He looks over at Josh to gauge his reaction, relieved to see a genuine smile on his face.

Elissa nods, passing the joint to Oliver like it is an olive branch. "Josh? That what you want?" Oliver takes the joint and looks at Josh hopefully when Elissa asks that.

"Definitely." Josh says with certainty, resting his head on Oli's shoulder. Oliver feels as though his heart is warm somehow, radiating affection and spreading it throughout his body.

Elissa laughs, "You two gonna buy some shrooms or what?"

"We'll take ten grams."


hi I'm back!

am I projecting onto Oli? perhaps I am

that's just where I'm at as a person tbh

I'm out here, doing my best! I believe in all of us to do our bests

bests? best? best's? i hate the english language

do your best(s) and remember to create and destroy as you see fit


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