Start from the beginning

"As soon as we get back from our trip, Yoongi and I will be there. Stay strong, Janey," I attempted to give her a verbal hug over the phone, "He's in good hands. That hospice center is the best in the area."

"I know," I heard the pain in her voice, "I know. I've met some wonderful caregivers there, and his therapists are all such good people. It's just... Faye, it is so hard seeing him like that. The color of his skin is different. His eyes have changed. He's getting thinner every day. I'm so scared. I know I'm going to lose him and I can't bear the thought..."

"Take it one day at a time. I'm here. Even when I'm in New York, please call me if you need me. I don't care about this stupid showcase. If you need help, I'll be on a flight back ri--..."

"Now, you stop that right now. You will not be flying back just for us. You are going to do that showcase, and you're going to win. Do you hear me? You need to win that showcase for Roy. He would not want you flying back here on his account. He'd give you a rash of shit if you did, and you know it."

"I know..." I laughed lightly, "But you can call if you need to talk. Is that fair?"

"Oh, honey. I love you," I could hear the smile in her voice, "I'll see you soon enough. You enjoy your weekend. This is special! Your mom would have been so proud to see the woman you've become, Faye."

She brought some tears to my eyes with that sentiment, and Yoongi noticed.

"Everything okay?" he reached over to lightly squeeze my thigh after the phone call ended.

"Yes," I looked over at him to smile reassuringly, "She told me that my mom would be proud to see me go to New York."

I rarely had reason to cry over the loss of my mom, and though Jane didn't mean to open up this part of my heart, I couldn't help but mourn the fact that my mom would never see me perform.

I wonder what kind of music Mom liked...

"She'll be with you the whole time. She lives through you, Faye. I believe that."

Yoongi's words were so touching.

"That's such a beautiful thing to say," I turned to him, softly speaking, "Thank you, Yoongi."

After a four hour flight and double-checking that all of our belongings, equipment and all, had arrived in one piece, we hopped into the two rental vans and headed over to the business apartment we rented for the weekend.

We walked into the four-bedroom office suite, which we splurged on for the occasion. It made sense to rent one large space, since we were all going to be hanging out most of the time anyway.

"This is the nicest hotel room I have ever seen," Jin exclaimed as he took in the sight of the perfectly decorated, modern apartment. It was cozy, despite its massive size.

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