14☽︎|New Chapter|☾︎

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You grabbed your phone and looked through your contacts.

You pressed the one named 'mom'

"Hola? (Hello)" A voice was heard from the phone.

"Hola mamá so yo (hi mom it's me)" You replied.

"Ah hola hija como estás? (Hi daughter how are you?)"

"Estoy bien. Mira te llamé sobre la propuesta que discutimos. Y decide que me voy a vivir contigo. (I'm good. Look i called about the offer that we discussed and I have decided that I'm going to live with you)"

"De verdad! Estupendo! Ahorita voy para tu casa! (Really! Great! I'm coming to your house right now!)"

And you hung up.

Your your things which weren't much and waited for your mother to arrive.



That's what you felt this moment.

You were glad that you and your mom where having a great time.

It's only been at least five hours since you have settled in. You gave your keys to the landlord and thank him for the opportunity to live in there.

You also had quit your job and explained the situation and that maybe you would return again during college.

You had your room and you and your mother even went out to buy some more furniture for you. After that you both are a a restaurant.

And now you both sat on the couch cover up in a huge blanket watching movies.

"Sabes me da gusto que estemos juntas otra vez. Y está vez por siempre y con mucha felicidad y amor. (You know I'm really glad that were together again. And this time forever with tons of happiness and love.)" You mother said with a smile.

"También yo. Se que está vez vamos a estar felices. (Same here. I know this time we are going to be happy together.)" You replied.

You focused back in the movies and enjoy the warm you had.


"Morning guys!" You said waving your hand at the four friends in front of you.

"Hey (y/n)! Good morning! How are ya!" Ino replied.

"Oh I'm great what about you guys?" You asked.

All if them explained what they did one by one. They seemed to have fun. You also explained what happened and how you where now happy. You also told them how you have much more time and less stress on your shoulders.


All seven of you which included Hinata and Kageyama were talking in your desk until class time.

"(Y/n)! Ohayou! How are you today?" A gentle voice asked.

"Oh Iku! Ohayou! Im doing great! How about you?"

"I'm doing well. I was wondering since the first date was good would you like to go on another one this Saturday?" He asked with a smile.

The tall blonde male saw how you were conversating with eachother. It hurt him and broke him. But he tried to bury those feelings deep down. It hurt his heart. But he put in a blank face and just watched as the girl he was interested in talked to the one she was going out with.

"Oh sure! I'm free that day! So maybe at 3 is fine?" You inquired.

The male upperclassmen nodded and left giving you a kiss on the cheek which left you shocked and some one mad and jealous.

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