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"Mommy! Shiota hit me!"

"Well you started it Junpei!"

"Alright both of you stop fighting! If you do I won't make you desert." You scolded.

Both of the little boys eyes widened.

"No no no! We promise to be good mommy!" They both promised.

You sighed and chuckled.

"I'm home!" A voice yelled.

"Dad!" Both boys yelled in joy.

"Hey boys. How have you behaved." Your blonde tall husband asked.

"Good! Me and Junpei got along!" Shiota replied with a smile.

"Yup! How was your day?"You asked kissing him on the cheek.

"Good i guess a bit stressful but great"He replied.

"Hey dad!"

"Hi Ankeo how are you?"

"I'm good! Also i was wondering if you could give me permission to go out with Junko this weekend!"

"Sure just stay safe alright."

"Alright dad! Thanks!" You older daughter replied.

"Alright! Alright! Well dinner is ready so wash those hands and eat."

"Some family we have."

"Yeah well you wanted a family and here it is." You chuckled.

He simply sighed and kisses your forehead.

"I know and I'm glad. I wouldn't have it any other way. And I still feel the same after all these years." He added with a small smile looking at his family getting ready.


"KIDS HURRY WE DON'T WANT TI BE LATE!" You yelled at the kids.

Soon your boys came out.

"Were ready mommy!"

"Wow well aren't you guys handsome fellows. Just like your father."

"Okay I'm ready."

"And you look beautiful. But kinda edgy in a cool way." You complimented. Whispering the last part in Ankeo's ear.

Shiota wore black slacks with one wearing a red dress shirt and Junpei wearing a blue dress shirt. To top it of dress shoes and a vest.

Ankeo wore high waist black jeans. A long sleeve shirt under a graphic t-shirt. And some high top vans.

Tsukishima wore a yellow dress shirt with black slacks and a black blazer.

You wore a beige turtle neck with black tights and chocolate brown skirt on top. To top it of you had a long brown coat out on.

All five got in the car and drove.


To reunite with the volleyball teams.

You soon arrived to the place and found your friends.

"Hitoka! Shimzu! It's nice seeing you both!" You spoke seeing them talk.

"(Y/n)!" They both yelled in glee.

You hugged rachet and let go.

"How have you guys been?"



"That's really nice to now!"

"Yeah! So are these your children?"

"Yup! This is Junpei! The other one is Shiota. The young twins. And this my daughter the oldest. Ankeo!" You said pointing.

"Well they are very handsome and your daughter is just gorgeous!" Yachi complimented.

The rest came up and asked tons of questions.

"Hey look! Uncle Bokuto and Uncle Kuroo!"

Both of the males turned to see there nephews. And before you knew it they were doing all kinds of stunts.

Everything felt awesome.


Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now