20☽︎|Beach Day Pt.2|☾︎

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"They sky is pretty huh?"

"H-huh...Oh um yeah it is." You replied avoiding eye contact with the blonde.

"So have have things between you and Nakagawa?" He asked not puting any honorifics.

"Oh it's going good I guess" You replied sighing.

"Oh alright. So has he told you to avoid me like he did to me?" He asked out of the blue.

You eyes widen a bit but quickly went back to normal.

"So he told you to?"


"Well I mean he has become more colder so I could just break up with him." You replied.

"Hey (n/n)-chan can you sing?" Hinata asked looking at you from the  side. Hinata sat beside Kageyama.

"Oh well um kinda? I don't know it's been quite a while since I have sang. But I can try?" You asked.

Everyone nodded.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.

'Maybe you don't like talking to much about yourself'

'But you should've told me that you were thinking about someone else'

Everyone's eyes widened at your voice.

It was soft gentle and angelic.

They felt in peace.

Tsukishima he felt different.

He could hear this everyday.

But as he listened to the lyrics and your voice he heard pain. It kinda felt bad.

Everyone else just enjoyed your voice with smiles.

'you broke me first~'

You soon ended the song and you opened your eyes to see huge smiles and hands clapping. Your eyes widen a bit forgetting that your were singing for an audience. You looked at them with a small sad smile.

"That was amazing (n/n)-chan!" Hinata yelled.

"Yeah! You sounded like an angel (Y/n)-chan!"Noya said with sparkles in his eyes.

"Your officially my favorite Kohai!" Tanaka declared.

You giggled and looked at them.

"Aww thx Tanaka-senpai! You my favorite senpai too!" You replied.

"Aww what about me (y/n)? I thought I was your favorite senpai." Suga playfully whined.

"Oh but all of you are my favorite senpai's! If you aren't part of the volleyball team your not my favorite senpai!" You replied crossing your arms in your chest.

Everyone just laughed and complimented you.

Soon you all told stories.

You heard some interesting ones.

Some made you laugh.

Some made you sad.

Some made you even mad.

But it was all good.

Well to good to be true.

You kinda started to feel afraid. I mean nothing this good and joyful has happened before so something bad was probably coming.

Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang