No, my wolf. But that would mean that this hunk of a man would be mine. I looked back at him, he was too good looking to be mine. I didn't deserve him. He would soon realize it too and probably end up leaving me.

"No." The whisper left my mouth before I could stop it, I held my breath as his blue eyes gazed at me with anger.

His pupils shrunk inwardly leaving his beautiful eyes a complete blue, but before I could look more it expanded completely over his eyeballs, his lip curled over his lip like a wolf would when baring teeth. Black, a darkness so dark I could feel like evil behind those eyes looked back at me making me shriek in fear and begin to thrash underneath the culprit. Wolves eyes never did that shit!

As much as I moved my body I couldn't get from under him, I lifted my arms towards his chest and shoved, ignoring the warmth that spread through my fingertips and spread down. I lifted my legs and hips trying to buck him off but it was as if his body suddenly weighed a ton. I called upon my wolf's strength but even that didn't help me. His eyes went back to blue, the black retracting back into his pupils but that didn't stop me from trying to slip from under him.

His lips parted to show me a pair of impressive white filed teeth with long sharp-looking canines. Some part of me wondered if he used Cresent Crisp and Clear toothpaste. Stupid, I know.

"Stop." Deep, husky, alluring and thick with some unknown accent was what he sounded like with just that one word.

His voice did something to me, literally. Immediately, I stopped thrashing underneath him and not by choice. While the meaning of what he said made sense in my mind, my ears could not comprehend the noises his lips made. There was a disconnection that made me feel slightly unbalanced. I had never taken a language class outside of Spanish in school, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have been able to understand what he said. 

And I did, my body just froze as I looked up dazzled by the man before or in this case, on top of me. How was this happening? My limbs locked and tightened into place without my permission, my heart was beating frantically in my chest. He tilted his head, gazing down at me with a keenness that made me want to squirm, but I couldn't. I wanted to open my mouth, to yell, to shout, get this hot weirdo from off me. My wolf was silent but I could feel worry coming off of her but the majority of her emotions were happy, excited and just about content. Out of all the wolves, mine must have been the most carefree in the worst of times.

"Now, why would the gods grant me a mate? She must be a peace-offering. The Luna card. Well played Fate, well-played." The blue-eyed god over me muttered lowly under his breath with a crossed look on his beautiful face. 

While he spoke I had a sense he wasn't asking me directly because the tone he used was scornful yet cautious, curious. What surprised me was how fast my brain seemed to translate whatever language he was speaking. It was like, whatever he said passed into my head, but I heard it in English. Did he have anything to do with this? 

That didn't sit well with me, an offering? Oh hell no. I am not a sacrifice! Who was this guy talking about? Luna? What was going on? And why was he still on top of me!? This guy couldn't be my mate could he?Why was I here? Where was here anyway? Was he in charge? Gods? I had a shit load of questions but I would gladly stay quiet if it meant this intimidating man was far, far away from me with his bewitching eyes and beautiful hair that I wanted to run my finger's-No,no, no. I needed to focus on the situation at hand. What the heck was this guy going on about?

Great. Finally meet my mate and he turns out to be in a crazy cult, not even pack, but cult, killing of the innocent and I'm next. Just my luck too.

The man over me suddenly leaned his head close to me until he was inches away from my lips, eyes close to my boring brown ones. I held my breath. He looked calmly into my eyes and then closed his, touching his nose to mine and then skimming it over my left cheek, breathing in my scent at the same time. I was sure if I was standing I would have swooned. His next words were whispered into my ear in a chillingly flat tone, his breath fanning over my shoulder.

"Although you enthrall me, I do not believe those ass kissers. I do not trust you. You are so. . . cute. It's a shame."

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