Leaving the hospital

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As I am being discharged from the hospital, I feel myself filling with anxiety and sadness, though I do not show this on the outside. I just learned that I will be allowed to continue school and training, which made me happy and scared. On top of that, I was informed of my mother passing. Not being able to see her and tell her everything that I have been through hurts me so much. The pain of not having her anymore is almost too much to bear, but I know she would want me to continue my dream. I will do it for her, but I can't even begin to know how.

Another source of my anxiety is that I will be sharing a room with my long-time crush, childhood friend, and bully, Kacchan. What will he say? What will he do? Will I even be able to face him now? I look down at my body, taking in all the scars and bruises that riddled my once smooth body. I lost myself in thought until I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, pulling me back to reality. It was All Might, there to pick me up and escort me to my new living area. He told me that I would only be meeting Kacchan today, as to not overwhelm me with everyone at once. I felt weak but at the same time grateful because I'm not sure I could take seeing everyone right now. My emotions are everywhere, and I can't seem to grasp ahold of them. I look at him dully and say in a voice that didn't even sound like my own, "Okay." As the statement blandly left my mouth, I could see an unreadable look on All Might. I guess my sharp, to-the-point answer shocked him too. He quickly put on a smile as he looked at me and said, "Get dressed, young Midoriya. I'll be waiting at the car in front for you." He then turned away from me and walked out of the hospital room. I got dressed in clothes provided to me and walked out with my prescriptions in hand.

All Might's POV
I walked out of the hospital to my car, awaiting my student's arrival. I couldn't help but replay the look and words of my young successor. His eyes, once so full of life, now dull to the world. The sparkle gone. Even worse, his once joy-filled voice now low, harsh, and unrecognizable. I grit my teeth at the thought and found myself cursing the people who had done this to him, the ones who took his light from him. I also cursed myself for being unable to have saved him sooner. Maybe if I had tried harder or done more, then I could have gotten to him before this. Before he changed into someone I couldn't even bring myself to describe. My thoughts stopped as the hospital doors slid open, and I turned to see young Midoriya walking to my car. I pushed all my thoughts to the side and opened the door for him. He sat in with a huff. I closed the door and joined him in the car, not knowing what to say but wanting to say something. I offered him a reassuring smile and drove us down to his new dorm area. The ride was quiet, silence filling every open space in the car. I finally mustered up enough composure and spoke as calmly as possible. I informed him that the school is going to offer him private therapy sessions to help him better work through whatever it was that filled his mind. He nodded his head in response, not speaking a single word. That was okay though, as long as he knew we wanted to help him in any way possible.

Izuku's POV
As the silence in the car became almost too much to take, All Might spoke. His calm tone making me feel safe as he spoke. He informed me that I would receive private therapy sessions to help me, and I was grateful for that, but I just couldn't bring myself to speak again. Not sure if I wanted to hear the voice that didn't seem to be mine leave my lips. All I could do was nod. I wanted to thank him, to cry out, to do anything, but I couldn't. I was stuck. An unknown block stopping me from even acknowledging my biggest supporter and father figure. Pain swirled in my chest before numbness consumed it. This was what happened to me for the past year and a half. I would feel something, and then I would be numbed to nothingness. I sat in silence for the rest of the ride to the dorms, finally pulling into the small parking lot. What waits for me behind those doors?

Sorry if it was kinda short guys I couldn't really put in everything I wanted too

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