Back story, information, and beginning

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I will be doing this into multiple povs but I will put the names of who is speaking above. Also WARNING there will be smut and fluff.
Please go easy on me this is my first story and my proper punctuations may be a little tragic.

As from the description you know that izuku was captured by the league of villains and was held captive for a year and a half. During this time izuku lost hope that anyone was looking for him. He was pushed to his limits over and over everyday by the villains. They were trying to break him mentally while building up his strength and power to use him as a weapon. Izuku was stronger, faster, and became one with his quirk. Making it his own, but the torture and mental abuse slowly wore him down. He was convinced that for the rest of his life he would be their prisoner. He became cold and detached from his emotions completely. He felt nothing only the void. Even though he was broken, beaten, and put threw the most ungodly of things he still refused to join them. Only making his punishments so much worse. He was scared from the neck down from all the torture he was meet with. Little does izuku know that All Might and all the other pros have been searching for him along with the young katsuki Bakugou. The pros brought katsuki along for the one simple fact that he was the only thing that knew izuku to the very core. Even though he bullied the boy for years he still was his closest thing to family now that izuku mother had passed.
Izuku doesn't know that yet either. She passed while he was being held by the league.

Katsuki had deep feelings for izuku that he never voiced and he truly regretted this. He swore to find him save him and tell him how he felt no matter if the other loved him the same or not. Katsuki never thought they would find him he was slowly losing hope of it all. Until he heard All Might over the radio yell, "WE'VE GOT HIM!"
Katsuki's heart speed up to an ungoldly rate as he heard those words. Dropping down to his knees trying to regain his composure. Then he heard, "WE NEED RECOVERY GIRL HE IS IN BAD SHAPE!"
Katsuki's breath caught as he heard this and he began to tremble with the sudden realization that izuku may not make it but if he did he may not be the same. Katsuki remembered how he changed when he was captured for only a day and how it left him with ptsd and other emotional blocks. He then realizes just how long izuku was captured and he couldn't even bring himself to imagine what they may have done to him. Would he ever be the same?

(Time skip to a few weeks in the hospital)
Izuku had been administered tests for various reasons and everything came back clear on the medical side of things. However, his mental state was in clear disarray along with the fact that his power had grown immensely during the year and a half. He was dangerous and unstable threw no fault of his own. He was physically able to leave the hospital. This in turn meant that the teachers had to find out what they were going to do with him. He couldn't stay in the hospital forever after all.
Since izuku had no family and no where to go it was decided that he would attend school again in the attempt to get him back into normality. Under a few restrictions of course. He was not aloud to be alone. For fear of him hurting himself or someone else. Since the teachers can't watch him 24/7 due to they had other students, izuku was placed in a private dorm with a few once close friends of his. Each having a purpose for being there. Shoto Toderoki was there for the purpose that he could freeze izuku in place if he were to lose control and go on a rampage.  Eijiro Kirishima was there to act as wall against any attacks that may rain down on him and his classmates if izuku was to lose control. Then there's Tenya iida he is there of course to be the voice of reason and to try and maintain balance between them all. Lastly, is Katsuki Bakugou, izuku's childhood friend and bully. He is there because he is responsible for watching after izuku. To be his friend and if it comes down to it, he is the one who will have to subdue izuku. Katsuki is also very strong and his quirk has improved as well making him best suited to be the one to take his friend on if need be. He has been in the real world now fighting villains in the search for izuku along side All Might himself.
Katsuki will be sharing a room with izuku to watch over him and help in any means necessary.

Katsuki hasn't seen izuku yet no one has only the medical team and All Might have been allowed to see him. He wonders what he will see as he awaits his friends arrival.

(Sorry to be long winded but I needed to set the grounds for the story)

Katsuki Bakugou: still hot headed and vulgar mouth. He stands at a rockin 6'2 muscular but lean.
Izuku midoriya: once kind and full of smiles and laughter, now dull and never smiling. With a sharp tongue with it. He stands a good 5'11 muscular but also lean.
Eijiro kirishima: kind, gentle, and manly. He stands at a height of 6'0 even, muscular and slim.
Shoto toderoki: kind with a dull expression almost always. He stands at 6'1. Slim and lean
Tenya iida: kind and overly proper but good intentions only. He stands at 6,2 same as katsuki. He is muscular and buff built like a tank.

Ok guys I'm going to start with the POVs again sorry for the long winded ness which will probably continue bc I'm a sucker for detail and emotional build. I hope you enjoy the read.
There will be vulgar language, fluff, and smut. I will put smut warnings up on top of those particular pages just in case you are not comfortable with that type of content.
Not my characters only my story
Not my pictures

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