Chapter 15 - Aelin

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Rhys, Feyre and Mor all appeared in the sitting room not long after we had been brought back. Feyre didn't look at anyone as she turned to her mate and sobbed into his shirt.

He ran soothing strokes down her spine and just held her as she cried, none of us spoke.

Once her tears eased Rhys led her to a sofa and sat down with her curled against his side.

"I don't like Keir." I said, breaking the silence.

Mor snorted. "Welcome to the club." I inwardly flinched, Mor and Lysandra should swap stories.

"Did anyone have any luck finding Maeve?" I asked, turning to my court, from their downcast faces I already knew the answer.

Elain suddenly walked in, looking like she could faint at any moment.

"Feyre, I just saw something." She was almost whispering but Feyre heard and pulled herself together as she stood.

"What did you see Elain?" she asked gently, taking her sisters hands.

"Clare Beddor and a woman with flaming red hair, both dead, both covered in blood, something is with them." tears ran down her face and she looked sick.

Feyre's face had drained of colour as she looked at her mate.

"Elain, sit down and have some tea." Rhys said gently.

She did as he suggested, sitting next to Mor who put and arm around her shoulders.

"Rhys, that means." She didn't finish her sentence.

"I know Feyre, I know." He whispered into her hair.

"I can't go back there, see her" She whispered into his shirt.

"It's ok Feyre, you don't have to." He replied, running his fingers through her hair now.

"Yes, I do, because if Maeve is with them, I have to go, I'm going to be sick." She was shaking now.

"It's ok, it's all ok." He told her.

"The trials, the last trial, killing those two fae, I died, all in that room." She told him; I shared a glance with Rowan.

"I know, but this time you are not alone, you don't have to be afraid." He told her.

Mor, Cassian and Azriel were looking at Feyre with pity. Whatever had occurred wherever those two bodies are, obviously hurt them all, but it hurt Feyre the most.

"We go in the morning." Rhys declared, not turning to us.

Without another word he lifted Feyre into his arms and walked up the stairs.

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