Chapter 8 - Feyre

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Aelin fell to her knees and tipped her head back, letting out a blood curdling scream, fire surrounded her body like a second skin. Amren flinched, Amren, who is afraid of nothing, flinched.

"Aelin?" I approached her slowly.

"Aelin, look at me." I put on the voice of the High Lady.

She stopped screaming and hung her head, panting slightly and shaking. I knelt down in front of her, coating my own hands in fire before taking her hands and holding tight.

"Breath, nice and deep, good." I held her hands until the flames died down and she stood.

"You have to be wrong; she has to be dead; this can't be happening again." She whispered, almost to herself.

"Can you get Rowan here Aelin?" Amren asked, still with that surprising gentleness.

"I don't know, the wyrdmarks to open portals are complicated and I'm not very good at determining exactly where they go to." She looked annoyed with herself for it.

"I can help you with the last part, you just need to draw the actual portal marks." She replied.

"I need a knife." She whispered to no one in particular.

Cassian drew a dagger from his leg and held it out to her. We all watched in silence as she dragged the tip down her arm and let the blood flow. She dipped two fingers in it and walked over to one of our walls, beginning to draw.

"Amren, what is she doing?" Rhys asked.

"Shut up." She hissed at him, walking out and coming back with a piece of paper.

She walked over to Aelin who had now drawn a ring of markings. She gripped Aelin's wrist and dipped her own fingers in Aelin's blood and drew another mark, the wall disappeared and became a hole of swirling darkness.

"Feyre, you are going with her, when you have everyone use Feyre's blood to draw the same marking but put this in the middle." Amren dictated, pushing the paper into Aelin's hand. "You need to be quick; you have five minutes in your time to get everyone, that will be about a day here."

"Ok, see you tomorrow then I guess." She sighed, grabbing my hand and pulling me through with her.

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