Chapter 7: Zayn :: Stability

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When your day is long
And the night, the night is yours alone
When you're sure you've had enough
Of this life, well hang on.

                                     ~Everybody Hurts
                                     ( By R.E.M )


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"Mum, listen to me--" I tried to negotiate however was cut off by her in a very rude and angry way. That's the only way to put it, no matter how childish it seems. I mean, if she was making a plan, I should have at least beware of it, right?

"I never asked you to come to New York, Maa," I  retorted. She straight away packed her bags and came to New York just because she wanted to see me and make up for the lost celebrations of New Year.

This was ridiculous!

"I don't know Zayn, you are missing out on your daughter and that was all I could have done to let her meet you," I swear if she used that card again. What was wrong with her? I was aware how much I missed my daughter and it's beyond what I could ever express but she couldn't always hold that thing against me.

I was doing this for myself and her.

Something had to be sacrificed for a lot of things to be done.

"Ma, out okay? It is not safe for her, neither for you," Anywhere near Félicite wasn't safe for my family. She was like a storm. Before she arrives, there is complete silence and after she does....there is just destruction.

"Zayn..." Dissatisfaction was so lined in her voice but how could I help it? I had been living like this for almost a year. I forgot what was like to be called by my actual name or what it was like to speak with an English accent.

I was fading.

"Mum, can I...just let me talk to her? Please, I just need to," my voice was beyond desperate. I had not had the chance to visit my little girl in the last two months and it's killing me. I should be with her, but I was just pushing her away.

"Baba?," I gasped when her voice filled the other line. It was growing so sweet and her accent was so prominent day by day. I wanted to hug her and bury her into my kisses but she was so far away.

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