Chapter 2

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In a random bush about 50 meters away from the bustling castle -

Zulie: Hey, do you think I should break your wand for the explosion spells? Or do we use TNT? Wait--is TNT Minecraft only?

Curio: Are you crazy?! Do you not see how enormous this castle is? To explode this ginormous thing, you need ginormous mana! In which--might I remind you--- we do not have! If you're thinking of relying on explosives--well. Where do you see a nuke?

Zulie: Then we use TNT!

Actually, there's no TNT around either--

Curio: Why do you keep insisting we explode the castle? Are you a pyromaniac or somethin'?

Zulie: I kinda-wanna act the thing in the movies where they have boom-boom in the background, but the hero and the heroine walk away in swag.

Curio: Yeah--no way. I assure you that we are not capable of walking away in swag. Do you know how fire and explosions work? Fire is hot. HOT!

Zulie: Geez, you don't have to talk like I'm a massive, overgrown baby. I have a couple of brain cells.

A couple? I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have more than that.

Curio: Anyways, let's get going. Those idiot guards can't stall forever.

Zulie: Guards?

Curio: Did you think your dumb scarecrows can keep the enemy at bay? Of course the guards are interfering! Now let us pish-posh out of here!

They ran into a random forest.

About 20 minutes later...

The two buffoons are now lost in the forest. I know, what a great plot-line--wait, why is the narrator commenting?

Zulie: I thought you said you had a good sense of direction?

Curio: I never said that..?

Zulie: I know. I just wanted to sound like those heroines looking above at the forest canopy, wondering about...stuff.

Curio--not understanding: Uh, ok?

Zulie: You were supposed to say cut it out, Mr. hero-side-kick.

Upon seeing a little house out of the middle of nowhere, Curio stops in his tracks.

Curio: Uh, I think I do have a good sense of direction. Why else have I led us to a---HOLY TOAD! MERLIN DUCKING FROG!

Zulie's POV

Zulie: Uh, Curio?

She looks around but does not find a single soul in sight. But she did spot a small wooden hut.

Zulie--thinking Curio is in the hut-like the idiot she is: Oh so that punk left into a woody, warm cabin paradise without me? How dare he.

She strolled to the cabin, 100% unaffected by the multiple hidden traps laid out across the floor. Gosh, people can be so unbothered sometimes.

Zulie: Knock, knock?


Zulie: Ok, you were supposed to say who's there.

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