Part 27

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"Are you prepared Arthur?" Jessie asks me.

I look over at my companion. The rough wind on Soundless Peak ruffled his hair in the most peculiar directions. I'm fascinated he even showed up to the occasion.

I walk to his side. "The moon is high and I am awaiting the arrivals—just as we had agreed." I look at Jessie worriedly. "What if they do not show?"

Jessie looks at me, his oval face lighting with laughter. "Have patience." He says warily. "They will come."

I nod and look out over the calm sea. The lights from Primal Island twinkle and flicker on the horizon. I haven't been there in years.

"Do you think Ray is all right?" I ask.

Jessie looks at me. He turns me to face him, his hands on my shoulders. "Stop worrying and start thinking." He says.

I smile, shaking off his grip. "Where did all this wisdom come from?" I question sarcastically. Before Jessie can make a snarky remark—a blue portal opens up and three figures stepped out.

It is the Republic's President; Nile Maven.

He brung two other companions, a handmaid and a guard.

He has a medium stature with a fashioned suit and a 'wind blown' sort of hair style. He is no more than thirty seven years old. "Good weather Mr Livens." He says boredly.

I bow and adjust my brown, hooded robe. I eye the President carefully. He seems slightly uncomfortable. I don't know why. "What's the matter Mr President?"

Nile look art me, his gaze turning to impatient. "It is merely the fact you've chosen a fake name. I would prefer it if you used your real identification." He says, slightly annoyed.

I never realises that he would become upset at my discreetness. I'm only protecting myself and Jessie. If we were discovered by an unidentified organisation or league—we would be in danger. We have to remain disguised.

"I apologise Mr President—you may call me Mr Reynard." I look at Jessie, what shall he say?

Nile's gaze moves to my friend's face. "And what about you? What is your real name?"

Jessie looks at him dead in the eye. "What you've heard is my real name—it is only my friend here who must stay safe. I am but a mere friend helping to fulfil his dreams."

Nile seems to be taken aback for a moment before nodding his head. "Very well then—Mr Lake, Mr Reynard. You may begin your reasoning. . .now."

Nile looks at us expectantly and I look at Jessie, I can't explain. It is too much for me to even think about. Jessie understands and stepped forward slightly.

"Mr President, we've come before you to announce that the cooperation known as LOSS, have grown stronger and bolder over the past four years. There have been attacks all over the country—famous places have been closed off because of the danger Jacob Nightingale and LOSS have created."

Nile looks at his two companions carefully. "I—I'm not quite sure what this has to do with me." He says warily, slowly letting his words fold out. "You should discuss this with the Collective, they are more educated than I."

I shake my head, ready to state the case. "We believe that the Collective are more sophisticated and involved with their people and their people only. They are not ready for such a request." I look at Nile's handmaid, her long, mousy hair braided in the most intricate way. "I believe you are bolder and wiser to make such decisions."

Nile nods and looks at his guard for support. The guard straightens and starts to speak in an accented tone. "We hear what you say." He says carefully.

I nod and turn to the horizon. "In the distance you can see Primal Island—can you not?" Nile and his associates nod and point to the flickering lights. I turn around again.

"Queen Claudia has the most well trained warriors and animals that this world has ever seen. She has a ton of willing fighters and lives in harmony." I look into the president's eyes. "We need her to join us for the coming battle. LOSS has sided with a Dark Fellow called Jacob Nightingale, a mad man who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants."

Nile steps forward, his eyes still locking with mine. "What does he intend to do?" He asks.

I look away and let a flame protrude from my fingers, illuminating my features. "He intends to destroy every form of power and rule both the Hidden World and Earth." 

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