Part 26

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I walk through the glimmering door and have to wait a few moments before my eyes adjust to the darkness. I know it's in here somewhere.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice echoing around the black dome.

I hear a hiss and look to the ground in front of me, a black, sandy looking snake slithers towards me and then morphs into a shadow version of a man. "Little queen—what is you have come to ask me?"

I stand my ground as the Shadow-reaper gets closer and towers over me. "I'm here to ask you some questions." I state loudly.

It stops and morphs into a little girl's shadow. "What kind of questions?" It asks.

I walk forward and say loudly. "Walk with me please." The shadow-reaper hesitates but then follows me, this time in the shadow of a wolf.

"What are your questions?" It asks smoothly.

I look ahead and keep my voice straight as I speak. "I want to know any information on Jacob Nightingale."

The Shadow-reaper morphs into a squirrel and scampers up the nearest tree. "That is a bad word my queen. Corrupted things have come to those who are involved with a vampire such as him."

I nod my head, I already have the gist of that. "Do you know anything about him?" I ask again.

"He was born into a poor family and has seen many shadow weavers come, rule and die. Mr Nightingale is now the most powerful vampire in existence. Well—he got such a title when he killed Mr and Mrs Calhoun Roswell."

I let out a gasp. "Jacob killed Caleb's parents?" That does make sense, who wouldn't want such power? But ruling the powerful is much more potent than killing them.

I ask the question I've wanted to know ever since Jacob shoved me into that wall. "What does he want with me?"

The Shadow-reaper sighs. "There is a prophecy, about you and your brother. You're both destined to rule the now empty thrones of your parents—but what you do with the responsibility and power effects the future of everyone. If you accept your duties as rulers and be fair and carry out your word—the Hidden World will continue in peace and serenity. But if you let Jacob get to the throne first—he will have complete control over two Kingdoms and use that to take out the other kings and queens. The other Elementals. If they are gone, then our world is in peril. Jacob wouldn't just conquer the Hidden World, he would conquer the human world as well. He wants the ultimate power. Everyone to bow down to him and follow his every command.

You and Arthur are in control of everyone's destiny by deciding your own."

I gulp, this was a lot more complicated than I originally suspected.

"What do I do?" I ask, I don't even have a deadline.

"Jacob will attack the weaker towns and villages first, then conquer larger cities and so forth. You must stop him from gaining power. He needs you, Arthur and the thrones otherwise he is powerless."

I nod and run back the way I came. Shouting my thanks and apologises, I run back outside and wait for my friends to follow.

"So?" Leith pants. "What happened there?"

I look at him gravely. "He wants to destroy the Elementals and take over both worlds."

Leith gasps and then pauses. "Wait, why would the Shadow-reaper—"

Magnus groans loudly. "She's referring to Jacob, you moron."

Leith's face dawns with understanding. "Oh, that makes way more sense." He looks around. "Why is everything so quiet?" He asks.

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