Part 7

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Seeing Ray injured and unconscious is not my favourite thing to watch, no matter how much I idolise her appearance. Even though she's in bed, Ray still looks angelic, with her slender features, peach lips and charcoal black hair. She looks irresistible.

Every chance I get, I sit by Ray's bed. Leith and Noah sometimes joining me. Usually it's just me though. "Magnus?" A low voice whispers from behind me.

It's Cassy.

I stand up and eye the shadowy girl from the corner. Her pixie face is the same as ever. The same wide, smokey light aqua green eyes staring at me. The same long, fair sky blue hair.

She's wearing fish net stockings and a plain black, spaghetti strap t-shirt. Somehow Cassy has managed to put her shoulder blade long hair into a bun. She smiles sadly.

"Last time I saw you—you nearly died." She says softly, I scowl.

I try to block out all the memories as they rush in, but, one thing leads to another, and I am reliving the days of friendship with Cassy.

Practicing small spells, running up mountains and then admiring our accomplishment. She looks exactly the same as the last time I saw her, and that was nearly ten years ago.

I shift my body so that I am in front of Ray's 'sleeping' body.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper though I'm not sure why.

Cassy replies slowly, as if she's written a speech about what she will say. "I'm sorry—about when we were children, I lost control— but I'm alright now!"

I sigh sadly and close my eyes. "Tell me why you really came here."

I hear Cassy breathe in deeply. "I wanted to meet her."

My eyes fly open in shock. "Ray?" I ask. "Why? She's not even awake!"

Cassy looks at me, her green eyes twinkle in the low-light. "Because I know about her parents and I know why she's like this."

I straighten my shoulders in surprise, she's telling the truth, I know her well enough to spy her strongest emotions. Without thinking I blurted, "Tell me."

Cassy walks towards me. "May I?" She asks. I nod reluctantly.

Cassy sit down on the large bed. "Her parent's names were Isla and William Reynard. They were the perfect match, William was the Salamander and Isla was the Shadow Queen."

I suck in a shocked breath. "Ray's parents were —"

"Yes. I just said that didn't I?" Cassy scowls and continues. "They were only young, just adults, but they were in love. Their love lead to recklessness. Will broke the Law, he illegally gave his Marrow* to the girl he loved. Who just happened to be the Shadow princess. They met at night and used up their time unwisely.

Then, Isla's parents were killed and she became the Queen of Shadows—all without her knowledge. Will was already Salamander. He was then in love with a Queen no less. Isla had been forced to marry a local lord not too long before that. She had been told to—in time—provide her people with an heir. But, the only reason Isla met William was because her and her brother ran away from Isla's realm—and her husband—and fled across the sea. They met William's travelling camp and Isla soon fell in love. As I said before she and William were reckless and so, made a child of their own.

Isla was shocked when she found out and told her closest friend everything that had been going on. Eventually her swollen belly was too big to hide and she told her brother that she was expecting. Then she told William. Being no older than twenty, Isla's natural instinct was to flee and hide. Erase themselves from existence.

That they did. They ran away two weeks before Isla took to her bed and gave birth to a little girl. Her hair 'like the remains of a dragon's fire', a coal black."

I look at Ray's peaceful face. Her hair is dishevelled and—without a doubt—is the girl Cassy is talking about. Cassy continues to talk. "The child of William and Isla Reynard was destined to one day; rule two kingdoms of fire and shadow, and all those in-between."

Cassy stops talking and the room is filled with our breathing. Minutes pass and I shift my breathing so that it is in sync with Ray's shallow, rasping breathes. After what feels like five hours I finally speak. "Why is Ray unconscious then?"

Cassy looks away from the painting she's studying. "She hasn't accepted her purpose in this world—or her fate for that matter."

I look at Cassy expectantly. "What is her purpose?"

Cassy looks at me as if I am glass. "To bring the world to ashes."

I steal a glance at Ray from the corner of my eyes. "She wouldn't do that."

Cassy smiles. "Or to rebuild our future and restore the Kingdoms."

I nod in agreement. I'm about to ask how she came to all that knowledge—when a loud groan erupts from Ray's now red mouth. I jump up and go to grab a wet cloth for her mouth. When I come back Cassy is back in the corner of the room and is eyed suspiciously by an arms crossed Ray. That is until she spots me and her face bursts into a strained grin.

"MAGNUS JAMES FREED! WHAT IS CASSANDRA LINN DOING IN OUR HOUSE?!" Mother's voice echoes long after she's finished hollering from downstairs. I sigh and look at Ray, hoping my eyes express the apology I feel. Silently, I stride down the stairs and go to face the wrath of an angry mot

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