I got hit in the face by a pillow.


I was gonna drag him by his ear but then I saw everything and froze.

His room was a MESS. Lamps on the floor, pillows everywhere, bedsheet was torn, dressing table void of all the stuff lying on the floor, and that's when I saw Chan. Tears were streaming down his face; bloody knuckles, hair like rat's nest. My eyes softened.

"Chan?" I spoke softly. 

he looked towards me and my heart crumbled.

"Go away!" he growled. 

My eyes started to get teary. This wasn't the Chan I know. He never pushed people. But now...

"What happened to u mate?"

I engulfed him in a hug and he broke down. His every loud sob broke my heart, piece by piece. 

I waited for him to calm down. His sobs suddenly stopped and he started saying:

"I'm such a fool. I'm a selfish person."

"No, you're not-"

This isn't the real Chan...

"Yes, I am Felix. I- I don't know why, but I- My feelings are a mess. I think I like Yoona, but those feelings, they're weird. They feel wrong."

He started sobbing again. I also started tearing up but I controlled myself. I had to be strong. For him. It wasn't his fault. He doesn't deserve this sort of pain.

He was still hugging me tightly. I started humming a soft tune. After a while, he calmed down a bit. So I started speaking softly.

"Listen, Chan, it's not your fault you fell for her. You should not blame yourself. And you are not selfish. You are a very strong person. You can get through this. I know this must be very hard. But believe me when I say I'm always here to carry half of your pain. You can always trust me."

"But it's hard. Felix, it-it hurts. I don't know what to do now."

"You believe me?"

"I do."

"Then tell me why your feelings feel wrong."

"I feel a connection with her, but I don't know what sort of connection it is. I like her, but I've seen the way she looks at me. Nothing more than a friend."

So he feels rejected by her?

"So you feel that she'll reject you?"


"Then let her go. Let her go and I promise you that you'll find your happiness soon. There is somebody out there for you. To heal you. Just let her go and that would be the bravest thing you'll ever do for someone you love."

He sniffled and sighed. I realized that it was too much to ask for, even from the strongest person I know. Letting someone go isn't exactly a piece of cake.

Unless that piece is made of red chili and garlic and u r forced to eat it slowly.


"Huh?" I was confused (chanfused)

What did he mean by ok?

"I'll let her go. I like her too much to destroy our friendship. So I'm letting her go. It's the best for her. And my heart will heal one day, just I don't know when," he chuckled lightly.

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