Chapter Five (Henry)

Start from the beginning

I  stayed under the cold water, relishing the tiny stings of spray on my skin. I focused on the music of the shower, its gentle roar and rhythm drowning out my thoughts. I watched the way the light refracted through the water and made tiny rainbows from the dew on my body. Soon my Lust receded to a dull lament in the corner of my mind. My body still burned with desire for her, but it was at least manageable.

Exiting the shower I immediately got a whiff of a lifelong familiar scent. 

"Hello, Alfred," I said, not bothering to look at my father. Changing into fresh clothes, I asked him, "To what do I owe this visit?"

"Your mate," Father sneered. Bleeding bollocks, he had heard. I supposed it was unrealistic to believe he wouldn't find out. It would have been a simple thing for him to place spies in Lawrence's household or as guests. Still, it was not ideal, and I focussed on schooling my features and avoided his glare.

Father wasn't stupid, the implications of me having a mate would place his position in jeopardy, and he understood that. He knew about the unrest and the calls for me to take over and, until I had a mate, recognised there wouldn't be enough support for me. However, he was a megalomaniac and probably believed he could defeat any threat that came his way. I sent a silent prayer to Lilith that I had the foresight to send David and Lawrence with her when I left. I didn't know if my father would attack her, it would be nothing for him to have her killed.

"I don't have a mate," I said, able to look at him now that I at least had pants on. I would hardly walk around with a semi hard-on in front of my father.

My father was an old Vampire, well into his eighth century. Realistically he only had 200 years or so left to live. Despite what the stories say, we were not wholly immortal. It was extremely rare to find a Vampire over 1000 years old. However, there was every chance my father would outlive everyone, he was so stubborn and vain. His advanced age's only outward sign was his slight grimace when he stood and sat these days. His bones and joints were starting to become frail, and following that, his talents would begin to wane. He must know that it was close to his end, other Kings would be grooming their son for leadership, but not my father. It wouldn't surprise me if he denied that he would ever die.

Father snarled, "Don't play games with me, pup. I can see you haven't mated. But you did meet her tonight, did you not?"

Shielding my thoughts from my father, I considered my response. I decided that there was no point in denying it. He wouldn't be here if he thought his reports were false. "Yes, I met her tonight."

"Why did you not take her?" He asked with genuine curiosity. He must think I'm the only Vampire in existence that didn't force himself on their mate as he had done. It amazed me that after all these years, he didn't realise that he was the odd one out. Most males knew how terrifying finding a mate was to our human partners. We prepared to meet our Inamorata our whole life, but our mates were thrust into this world without explanation. Most of us were empathetic to their confusion and eased our mates into the relationship. But that was how Father thought. He believed everyone was as cunning and narcissistic as he was.

"Because I am not a monster, Father."

I expected him to be mad at my reply, but he laughed. "Oh, son, that is where you are wrong. You are a monster, just like me. You can't escape it."

I tried to keep my face impassive, he was trying to manipulate me, and I would not fall for it. "I am not like you."

"So you are a coward then. I have been right all along. You are still a pup."

Barring my teeth at my father, I snarled, "She has a fucking child." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted them. Once again, he had gotten the better of me.

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