№.25 :: Salvation

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Sasuke kept his gaze strictly directed at Orochimaru, not wanting to see the jars that filled the shelves that occupied the room. He had no interest in Orochimaru's experiments, and that meant that he didn't want to know what became of the people who crossed the Sannin. Sasuke slowly closed the door behind him, the echo vibrating off the stone walls. Silence weighed down on his shoulders as Sasuke watched Orochimaru through emotionless eyes. He watched as the smirk grew larger, Orochimaru's amusement seemed almost strained. Sasuke knew what Orochimaru wanted to talk about and he only wished that this conversation could be avoided. Even though the answer was quite obvious to Sasuke, he asked the question either way. "Why did you want to see me? This better not be a waste of my time." Sasuke's voice was low as he asked his one question, his eyes narrowing on Orochimaru's face because he just knew that the legendary Sannin was going to involve Serenity in some way. The smirk on Orochimaru's face wavered for just a moment before the Sannin was able to regain control over his amusement. The shining glint within his dark eyes was enough to tell Sasuke that Serenity was a big part of Orochimaru's plan. He felt like groaning out his frustration, crying out the heated sobs that burned the back of his throat. Sasuke blinked away the heated tears that threatened to spill over as he kept his intensified gaze on the Sannin.

The look on Orochimaru's face was passive as the smirk on his face widened at Sasuke's reaction. With one of his long pale fingers, Orochimaru stroked the tip of his chin, his eyes never leaving Sasuke's form. "My reason for having you summoned before me is pretty obvious. You are already aware that I want to master all Jutsu, and to achieve such an accomplishment, I need to study all aspects. I offer you a reason to continue your training...help me capture your princess and you decide her fate once I'm through with her." Orochimaru's voice faded into a calm silence as he watched Sasuke with speculating eyes. Anger boiled within Sasuke's veins as he activated his Sharingan without even thinking. His chest rose with each heavy breath, his hands were clenched into fists. Orochimaru watched with amusement as Sasuke's knuckles turned white. Rage filled the younger Uchiha as hatred entered his blood red eyes, his gaze never leaving the Sannin. Orochimaru continued to talk as if nothing was happening in front of him. "Did you hear that Serenity was spotted back in Konoha a few days ago? But just as quickly as she appeared, she was gone. It didn't shock me when I was told that it was your brother Itachi who was spotted abducting her from within the village." Sasuke's anger was transformed into confusion as his mind processed Orochimaru's words. Serenity's sudden reappearance was a mystery, but her disappearance was enough to send Sasuke over the edge. Once again, Itachi was toying with his mind and Sasuke was at his breaking point.

"Where are you taking this?" Sasuke's voice was harsh as he forced his words through gritted teeth. Anger and rage boiled up inside of him at the very thought that Serenity was in danger once again. Orochimaru chuckled under his breath, amusement clearly showing on his face. The Sannin stroked his chin with his forefinger, his mind lost deep in thought. Orochimaru sighed as he stood up from the throne-like chair, taking slow steps towards Sasuke. The Uchiha stiffened slightly as Orochimaru began circling around him as if he were prey; Sasuke's gaze remained straight ahead as Orochimaru leaned in towards his ear. He felt Orochimaru's warm breath against his neck; his skin tingling as a shiver ran through his spine. Sasuke closed his fists tightly as he kept his gaze ahead of him. His jaw was clenched; his teeth grinding together as Orochimaru chuckled slightly. "You know exactly what I want, Sasuke. I offer you all the power in the world. All that I ask for in return is your precious Serenity. With Serenity's power by my side, I can enhance your training. You will learn ninjutsu that will blow people away. Your brother will never stand a chance if he were to face you. Isn't that what you want? The power and strength to destroy the man who took everything from you. All you have to do is assist me in capturing your dear princess..." Orochimaru's lips pulled back in a triumphant smirk, his narrowed gaze watching Sasuke with a dangerous glint leering within his eyes.

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