League of Villains

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Izuku Midoryia POV

I woke up to darkness. Black even. I swear to All Might. These villains better not have kidnapped me for why I think they have. "Eauhh..my head" I said hopefully someone can hear that I'm awake. I can sense people walking towards me. "Hello Izuku." That was Kurogiri. "Hi Giri!" I said possibly sounding too excited. "Izuku." Shigaraki said. "Tomura." I said the exact same tone he did. Then I heard more footsteps. "Hey Shiggy when are we gonna let him see us?" That was Toga, Himiko. "I agree with the psychopathic Yandere for once." Of course, Dabi, other known as Touya. He hates his last name but I've helped him get over his first name whenever they 'kidnapped' me.

Tomura Shigaraki POV

"Izuku" I had said. "Tomura." Was the response I got. "Hey Shiggy when are we gonna let him see us?" That yandere psycho. "I agree with the psychopathic yandere for once." Dabi. Other known as Touya. Izuku helped him get over his name. "Now I guess." Toga pulled off the blindfold and Izuku looked directly at me. I looked at him back. We both knew what was going on but everyone else was confused. We both then bursted out into laugher. "I missed you Izu." I said still laughing. "Missed you too big bro." Izuku said also laughing. "S-Shiggy/Shigaraki/Tomura?" Was all the Izuku and myself heard. We ignored them and continued laughing. "Hey, Tenko. Maybe wanna explain it for the both of us? Then give me back to Kacchan?" I chuckled a bit. "You really care about that Bakugo kid, don't you?" I asked Izuku, thinking he would say something like, "yeah, he's my friend." But that is not what I heard. "Yes Tenko, I do! He's my boyfriend!" Izuku said smiling with a light blush in his cheeks. "Boyfriend?!" I asked kind of yelling at how he didn't tell his older brother he was in a relationship with his best friend. Then again Kurogiri, and myself are the only ones not in a relationship. Dabi's dating Hawks. I ship it personally. Izuku is apparently dating Bakugo. Spinner is dating whoever. Twice was with Toga (Twice is 17 in this AU that is illegal if the age isn't changed)

Katsuki Bakugo POV

We need to find Izuku.. if we don't find Izuku I am suing UA. My boyfriend has gone missing and hasn't turned up in 3-4 days! "It's not likely we'll find him." Mineta said. "YOU GRAPE BI-" Aizawa cut me off. "C'mon class we have training outside today." Outside training.. where I lost Izuku. "Aizawa. I don't want too." There's only 2 people at UA that know mine and Izuku's relationship, Aizawa and All Might. "Why not?." Aizawa said while knowing the reason. "I feel sick." "Alright go to Recovery Girl." Aizawa said. I started to walk by. Aizawa. He whispered "go to the dorms not Recovery Girl." I lightly nodded.

Izuku Midoryia POV

I'm dancing with Himiko right now. "HEY TENKO!" I yelled because I didn't wanna stop dancing.






~~5 minutes later~~

Same POV

I saw Kacchan. "KACCHAN!!!!" I ran over and jumped on him (IN A FLUFFY WAY GUYS-) "I MISSEDYOUUUUUUUUUU" He actually looked like he was crying and was happy. "De..ku..." He wrapped his arms around me. Those idiots made Kacchan sad because I've been gone for about a week. "Tenko you made Kacchan cry! I hate you big brother!" I turned my head around mad and rested it on Kacchan's shoulder/the crook of his neck. Tenko looked in blank brother sadness. "Izuku, you have to apologize to Tenko.."

"No he made Kacchan sad!" I said that while not wanting to move so that was part of the reason. "Promise me you'll apologize later?" "Mhm" Kacchan sat down with me not moving. I was acting like a baby, from what Dabi said. I don't care though I was taken away from Kacchan. I was just laying in Kacchan's neck when I heard him yell. I jumped kind of scared.

Katsuki Bakugo's POV

"DABI YOU DUMBA-" I felt Izuku flinch and jump. He got scared. I set of a small explosion and sent it towards Dabi. I picked Izuku up and just left. "I'm sorry Izu.." he just nodded into my shirt. "Why are you being so clingy?"

"Because Tenko took me away from Kacchan for too long. I missed you!" He grabbed my back pulling himself up then wrapped his arms and legs around me like a koala. I wasn't the tiniest bit upset. "Hey Izu, you know when we get close to the dorms you'll have to get off." "Mhm"
Soon enough we were at the school. Deku's fallen asleep. I'll just reposition him so it looks like I had to start carrying him instead of him clinging onto me. "Bakubro! YOU FOUND MIDOBRO?!"

"Yeah I did, what about it. I'm gonna take him to his room. Tch" He noticed I was mad. Well it was acting but it worked. "Sorry Bakugo.." he left me alone after. I brought Deku to his room and left.


I finally updated-
Sorry. I'll try to update more.

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