13 - Natural Enemy

Start from the beginning

"Fat chance." I bit back. There was no way I was going to have Robert in my home, and possibly in my room to help with my homework, which I was more than capable of doing on my own. "The library is probably quieter." I excused.

Robert shook his head as he leant his weight against the locker next to me. "I'm banned from the library, remember?"

An image of Robert scoring a touchdown as he crushed one of the tables in the school library last year replayed in my head, when he was with his friends he could really be an asshole.

"Can you let the girl breathe? You're all up in her personal space like some kind of fly, shoo." My best friend, Ayla, interrupted before I could get a word out, she came to stand between us by my locker as she grimaced at Robert, he pushed his weight off the locker and snarled at my best friend before walking away.

"Thanks." I murmured as I organised my locker, she took his place leaning against the locker next to me, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "What did he want this time?"

I giggled. "To come over and help me with my homework."

Ayla rolled her eyes. "Boys getting desperate at this point." She joked.

Ayla had been my best friend right from the get-go, while we were at the nursery our Mother's say we were inseparable. They thought it would die off when we got to school, but fortunately they were wrong. Ayla was a sister to me in my eyes, part of the family.

Her mother was my father's commander, she was in charge of our warriors and training in self defence against all kinds of threats. Becuase of this, Ayla was in shape and constantly pressured me to eat better. And worse, she was the next commander in line. I say this because Ayla wasn't one to take serious nature seriously, she was comedic and immature, unlike her mother.

"So I woke up today and my mother has supposedly gone off on another mission set out by your father, can you tell him to stop doing that so often because I still don't know how to cook." She exclaimed suddenly.

This made sense, my father wouldn't just send off his valued warriors, he'd send his best so he wouldn't waste the resources, and the best was Ayla's mum for a reason.

"Yeah I wanted to go too but father would never allow it." I admitted.

Ayla scoffed. "And neither would I, I'm sorry Maddie but you just aren't built for that kind of lifestyle."

I slapped her shoulder with one of my textbooks. "What's that supposed to mean."

Ayla hesitated for a moment, a smile creeping up on her face. "You're more designed to make werecats, not protect them." She explained.

I blushed, not at her comment but as my mind realised that one day I would indeed be a mother to Demetrius' children.

Should I tell Ayla about Demetrius? About the bond, about the mission? I mean her mother was there right now with Demetrius, she deserved to know this information.

I leant in a little closer so what I was about to tell her was solely between us. "I have a soulmate." I whispered.

I watched as Ayla's eyes narrowed in on me and her brows furrowed in confusion, then slowly, they began to relax as she took in the information. "What do you mean?" She whispered back.

"Alpha Demetrius Renwick, the king of Werewolves - is my soulmate. And he's on the mission with your mother right now to retrieve women stolen by fairies."

Only then did I realise how insane I sounded, and this reflected in the bewildered expression on her face as she struggled to believe me.

I didn't blame her, everything that had transpired the last few days felt like it'd come right out of a bad dream, like it was made up and unrealistic even for our world.

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