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The demon was not far away from me, it floated in the air four or five meters away

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The demon was not far away from me, it floated in the air four or five meters away. Why was this child of death chasing me? I was the only one around in the forest. Wonderland seemed empty. Animals had fled the place, the plants were quiet, flowers had closed themselves to not see the horror and the trees said no word. Above us was the sun nowhere to be seen, a dark grey blanket laid over the sky and promised no good to come.

You could see smoke rising in the far, where the kingdom of Elio was. The demon had burned the town to the ground. The Castle of Glass was melting from the hot flames that were still crawling through the streets below it. It was only a matter of time until it was gone, and nobody would know it had been there. Wherever the monster was, darkness followed and promised to swallow all the light to turn the world into a shadow land.

Was I the only one left? The fire must have taken the citizens of the city and the people in the castle would not be safe as well. Were Jaskier and Geralt still alive?

As if the demon sensed I was thinking about the two men, it raised his head, and I could see its face for the very first time. It was a long skull with a whole as its mouth, the outer corners pointed downwards like it was sad and mad at the same time. There was no nose on the greyish bone structure, and it did not look like anything I had ever seen before. The most terrifying thing about the monster was its eyes. They were deep pitch black holes, you could see there was no soul behind them.

The thing started to move towards me, and the eyes lit up, a red and contagious fire burned in the dark holes now. I started to scream, not being able to move again.

"Davina!" That was Geralt's voice. "Davina, wake up!"

When I came round from this nightmare, I opened my eyes. Geralt hovered over me, his golden eyes looked worried. My heart was racing, and my body was shaking like I have stood in an ice cold wind for hours.

"The demon-" I swallowed hard and sat up to look around. The fire was just half the hight when Geralt and I went to sleep. Jaskier was still breathing in a soothing rhythm on the other side of the fire, not noticing anything. I hope he was dreaming about something good. Nothing had been real, I imagined everything I just had seen.

I turned back to Geralt who was still squatting at my side and I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down and make the fear go away. "It is after me."

"Hush, it was just a bad dream." Geralt whispered and put his arms around me. "Everything is alright."

I closed my eyes for a moment and leaned my head against his chest. This had not been reality, this was. But still, the dream felt real. What if it I had not imagined it? What if the demon actually managed to predict the future? No way. It must have figured out a way to hurt me when it noticed it could not get to me because of the spell. And then it chose this way to haunt me.

"I am damned, Geralt." I said, still shaking.

He pulled me even closer. "Everybody got their own demons. You are just literally fighting against them. And you are going to succeed, I am sure of it."

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