Strangers with memories

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Looking in your direction forever disgusts my heart

because I am now missing my other part.

It started with a phone call

in which we told each other it all

it ended with a fight

over a lost invite.

The night was young

and the words sorry couldn't quite roll of my tongue

You drove off, never looking back

and my whole world came crashing down, now pitch black.

I looked your way in total regret

and it felt like we were two people that weren't happy yet.

The feeling grew strong 

and the thought of you near me brought disgust and felt wrong

You are now a distant memory

and you cover your feelings cleverly.

so every time we pass each other on the street,

my heart feels complete

we are forever strangers

that have each other's memories in our chambers

strangers with memories

who will forever have each other's energies.

-Bree C

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