|w o r l d|

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my world is strange

and I never truly knew my feelings would change

shutting other's out trying to get away

from the world in which I felt i had no way

constantly finding every wrong of the place

not knowing the truth would come and slap me in my face

wanting to run

finding nothing and no one

I start to slow down and get shoved

and that's when I go blank and see no love

what has this world come to

i don't know yet but the feeling grew

no one will tell you the truth

taking you as someone with great youth

you call this a world

I call it a prison

a world to make your insecurities real

and to make unrealistic deals

body standards crowd the air

if not followed you get hurting glares.

This world is unforgivable

and should be treated as a horrible criminal

This thing we call a world is unbearable

and many don't see how terrible.

I'm hear to open eyes

and show everyone how humility rapidly dies.

Don't look at me weird because i dislike it

i am telling the truth and i am no hypocrite.

You call this a world

I call this mental slavery

ruining our minds

to make us completely blind

of where we are living

and the standards we are following.

-Bails C

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