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minghao's heart rate was going insane and he doubted his rib cage would be able to hold it for long, the vibrating feeling thrilling through his entire body. however, his trembling legs had not given up on him yet, meaning he was about to use his last bit of strength to step inside the room and see what awaited him there.

the doctor had not given him the chance to ask about this possible and sudden cure and simply opened the door instead, walking minghao inside a room where regular patients would never be allowed in. about three doctors were gathered around the surgery table, where junhui's still unconscious body was placed on top of.

minghao had to restrain himself from not running up to him and falling down on his chest once more. however, the thing that surprised minghao most was the monotone beep that filled the room every other second that came from his life-support device, meaning they had been able to safe junhui just in time.

"xu, i want you to listen to me very clearly." the doctor who had lead him here grabbed a firm hold of both his shoulders and bend down a little to get at the same eye level as the boy, who was startled by the sudden physical contact but allowed it anyhow, knowing that junhui's life depend on it.

and so he gave a determined nod. "we were successfully able to safe his life, or at least to extend his time being here for a little longer as we have no idea if this might work. please keep in mind that if it fails, junhui will no longer be with us. so please don't get your hopes up immediately."

minghao nodded once more, feeling a tad bit frightened when the doctor let out a deep sigh. "we've ran a few tests on him once we stabilized him and the results were quite strange, if i may say so myself." the adult explained. "you see, patient wen seems to be in some sort of deep slumber which resembles a sleep. we can't state it as a coma since his body hasn't reached that point, it's something that goes deeper than that."

"and now, what seems to be the strange part of all this, you might ask. there isn't any medicine or treatment that is able to bring him back to his old self. though there is this thing he's been mumbling all this time and if we repeat that one word, his body actually responds to it."

minghao was quick to take in all the information, trying to calm his raging heart that pounded loudly against his rib cage.

"we think you might be the cure, minghao. which, if it actually works, would be a miracle worth to go down in history."

the doctor emphasized minghao's name a little louder on purpose, waiting patiently on a sign to show minghao what he had been speaking of. and not long after, his words were followed by a weak 'h..hao..?' in a rather questioning manner. it was barely even audible, yet minghao was certain that he had clearly heard it.

"jun?" his voice regained its steadiness, his last sense of hope giving him the strength boost he desperately needed.

he barely even noticed the large hands of the middle aged man slipping off his shoulder as his feet naturally lead him to the surgery table, where junhui's still clothed body lay on top of. for a moment he forgot about the doctors and nurses that surrounded them as he stood beside the boy he loved so dearly.

"hao?" there is was again, that weak whisper junhui was able to bring out.

by the emotionless look on junhui's face, you would've assumed him for dead. dark eyebags, skin sinking in his skull on every spot possible, lips chapped and his skin a rather pale. it pained minghao to see his boyfriend like this; dying. if it wasn't over already.

even if it was just to extend his time being here, minghao would give all he got. especially now he was well aware that if this wouldn't work, nothing else would. "huihui? it's me.. minghao is here." he hesitated a little, though he pushed himself over it and brought his hands up to cup both his cheeks, gently rubbing circles on his skin to give him comfort one last time. and to his surprise, his skin felt rather warm against his fingertips. unlike a few hours ago, junhui seemed to regain some physical favors.

"hao?" junhui's voice seemed to get slightly louder, movement appearing in his lips for the first time as he called out his name.

"yes it's me. it's me, jun. hao, i'm here." minghao said all those little things to bring comfort to the elder, whose senses started working slowly again. it were only the small things that had minghao noticing that junhui started regaining his strength on a slow pace. 

his closed eyelids twitched the slightest together with his dark eyebrows. and while minghao kept rubbing circles on his cheeks gently, a frown started appearing on junhui's face. which was hardly even recognizable at first as his muscles were still fairly weak. 

"h..hao." his chapped lips seemed to open a little further as well now he called out minghao's name for the nth time. 

"i'm here. hao is here." minghao swallowed away the lump that almost blocked his throat, smiling through his tears when he saw junhui's fingers cramping up a little from the corner of his eyes. 

and before minghao even had the chance to comprehend the miracle that was happening right in front of his eyes, junhui's eyes fluttered open and found minghao's gaze of despair. it felt as if minghao hadn't seen those two gorgeous brown orbs in ages as they left him mesmerized. 

"hao?" junhui whispered once more, a tad bit confused of all the commotion surrounding them in the hospital room. 

though for the first time minghao noticed there were no traces of physical pain visible in his expression, not even the sorrow that had taken away most of his optimism. his eyes seemed to genuinely sparkle that burning passion he carried along again once their eyes met. even when his physical state was still weak, minghao knew that it would soon change for the better. 

"jun.. i love you too.. i love you too.." minghao repeated himself multiple times after that, wanting to be sure that junhui was able to hear it this time. while he said those words, tears started flowing down his cheeks again, soaking junhui's hospital clothes. and so he hid his face in junhui's chest, not wanting junhui to see such thing first after all that happened. 

until a warm pair of hands was placed on both sides of minghao's cheeks, guiding his face more upwards so junhui was able to look at him. and when a soft pair of lips connected themselves with minghao's, they both knew that everything would be okay eventually. 

they found a way. 

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