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dinner had passed by in the most terrifying silence they had ever experienced as a group, it even worried doc and the other remaining patients, who decided to keep it with small talk for tonight. on doc's request, taemin, wheein and yanan had gone to their separate rooms right after the rather uncomfortable meal, so the group of friends would have a little space for now.

now here they were, seated on the three maroon couches around the crackling fireplace with barely any words being spoken out loud. junhui's optimism had faded for the major part, his voice no longer sparking the warmth it always used to. never before had his friends seen him like this. regardless of his burdening condition they had also never expected to experience him being so down and full of pain. both physically and mentally.

"junhui, it's time to tell them. don't you think?" doc sat down on the armrest right beside the boy, resting a hand on his shoulder and with that giving him his fatherly safety and reassurance.

junhui nodded, not daring to look up and face anyone in the occupied room. not even minghao, as he knew that it would only bring him more difficulties with speaking the truth out loud. worrying his friends with his incurable mysterious disease seemed a way bigger burden than the physical condition he carried along himself, knowing that it would cause them pain as well.

however, once minghao reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers together, he knew that it would somehow be okay. just like how he had promised minghao underneath the starry sky in the middle of a field that night. or how minghao had promised him when he found out the slightest of junhui's condition. they would find a way.

"doc, could you maybe tell them about it? i don't think i'm capable of telling the full truth." junhui's usual passive optimism had entirely vanished, visibly not able to tell what was going on. even when doc certainly disagreed that he wasn't the right person to bring the group his bad news, seeing junhui in his current state made him realize that he had to take parental responsibility to not make him feel worse.

"junhui, as you see, has been stated with a disease." doc folded both his hands on top of his thighs as he calmly started his explanation. "he's been here for a couple of weeks already since the hospital found it best for him to stay somewhere rather calm, or at least away from society to see his condition develop."

"now we don't have any knowledge of what is causing junhui to feel like this. most of the times he acts like everyone is used from him; healthy and full of happiness. but something inside him, which the doctors fail to discover regardless of the infinite amount of tests that they ran on him, is slowly taking advantage of his body. for example, his muscles are going downhill on a way too fast pace for his age, which results in him having these types of attacks every now and then."

"now junhui is really good in covering things up. we barely notice anything odd about him and it only gets visible when he gets one of those attacks. but it certainly is no good for him. especially since they're not able to find the right treatment, as a wrong medicine could only worsen his current state. i'm afraid that it's a matter of time to find out if his disease is curable or not.."

a heavy silence fell among the group once doc stopped explaining, finding it enough information for now. it was only a short summary of what was happening to junhui's body, yet enough to have tears rolling down some of their cheeks again.

"there's just one thing i'm asking from you. please, please don't feel any compassion towards me." it seemed like a simple wish, yet hard to fulfill as the teens had no idea what to feel towards junhui else wise.

"so basically you're saying it's only a matter of time before you die?" mingyu bluntly spoke, a lump blocking his throat. he tried his hardest to refrain any tears from escaping his eyes, hating the look of vulnerability when more people than just wonwoo alone were around.

"well, let's not assume that right away. besides, i don't want you to visit my funeral in a few weeks." junhui let out a rather unfortunate chuckle, wanting to lift the mood at least the slightest.

"of course we can't visit your funeral! we have to attend your wedding first!" soonyoung lighted up the atmosphere, receiving the slightest more laughter from those in the occupied room.

"yes! you can't die on us when we haven't properly arranged your wedding yet!" jeonghan stated, agreeing with soonyoung.

"just as long as you don't die i'm okay with it." chan sniffled, hating how he couldn't hold in his tears. "oh come here, you big baby." jeonghan took the youngest boy in his arms, allowing him to continue his sobbing against his chest. despite their endless arguments, jeonghan couldn't help but to have a soft spot for chan. it even managed to warm seungcheol's heart upon the sight beside him. seeing this overly caring side of his boyfriend truly did something to him.

"i agree with chan." minghao silently said, barely audible for anyone beside junhui to hear. "as long as you don't die i'm okay with it."

junhui chuckled, pressing a tender kiss against minghao's temple. "you just heard it yourself, you still have a wedding to attend."

minghao looked up with confusion painted over his face. "who's wedding?"

and how couldn't junhui adore the boy he held onto. because right inside minghao's eyes, he saw his entire future ahead of him. never in his life had he been as certain of something as how he felt about minghao. even with his condition burdening him, something inside him told him that, regardless of the physical pain he was forced to go through, it would be okay in the end.

and so with a confident grin plastered to his face and a delighted expression junhui confirmed the next. "ours."

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