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sun had fully set, making place for an unclouded starry night sky, a full moon shining upon the serene lake house. it was nearing ten pm when the group of friends were gathering all the needed supplies in junhui's room. the mattresses had finally all been carried up to the bedroom, miraculously fitting inside the fairly large space yet also occupying the entire surface of the floor.

doc was still gathering blankets and sleeping bags together with chan, who had offered his help and wanted to be under doc's fatherly wings for a little longer. their connection was heartwarming and seemed to make the usual cheerful and emotionless, cocky even, chan a little emotional.

"you know, chan. i've been so busy traveling all my life that i've never taken the chance to experience everlasting love or long lasting relationships." doc explained, searching through a pile of cardboard boxes one by one to find what he had been looking for all along. "and i might not be allowed to say this, but if i ever had taken the time to get children, i would have wanted a son just like you."

chan seemed to have visible difficulties with swallowing away the rising lump in his throat, the grief from earlier that day mixing with the unfamiliar parental safety that had an effect on him.

"ah.. you're just saying that because i show you my good manners." chan hurriedly made up an excuse, not wanting to burst out in tears for the third time that day.

"that might be." doc used his wisdom like usual. "at least that shows that you're raised well. you might have no clue how important manners are, especially in the company of adults. it leaves a really good impression."

chan remained silent, which caught doc's attention. you're raised well. a cynical chuckle escaped his lips as he leaned up against the working table, nervously fiddling a screwdriver in his hands. "have i crossed a line? or made a false assumption perhaps?"

once again chan wasn't able to say the slightest, shaking his head in an attempt to not break loose from his usual cheerful behavior. though his head hanging low and him avoiding doc's gaze, gave away that in fact he wasn't feeling as okay as how he acted all the time.

"say chan, if you weren't underaged i would have offered you a beer. you know, to have a real conversation from man to man." doc gave him a gentle punch against the shoulder as he leaned against the table next to chan, staring down upon him with concern clouding his eyes. "but i'm afraid i'm not allowed to offer you more than the regular hot coco with whipped cream."

and out of a sudden, though doc had seen it coming all along, chan burst out in heartbreaking tears. even when he had been extremely relieved and delighted around doc all day, the sudden overwhelming fatherly character that had taken care of him broke him inside. "i..i'm sorry." he muttered out, hiding his face behind both hands.

"don't be sorry chan, it's okay to cry in my company." doc rested his hand on the boys shoulder and allowed him to cry further in all peace. "what's bothering you?"

"it's just.." he steadied his voice so he was at least able to speak. "my parents have never really been there for me.. and i guess you caring so much for me has been a little overwhelming.. especially with what you just said, about me being raised well. my manners have been taught by maids who just so happen to pass by when i'm up to something i'm not allowed to.."

it was heartbreaking, hearing how a child like chan wasn't as loved by his parents as how doc would treat him. "so your parents are barely ever around, i'm assuming?"

chan nodded, sniffling and trying to steady his breath once again. "they're way too busy with their work to even care about me. at school everyone always thinks it's a dream to live in such a gigantic house like mine, but there's really no fun when there's no one around.. i guess it's just the small things that bother me, you know. telling someone how my days have been or when i finally get a good grade in chemistry class. heck i would even love to share all the things me and my friends do.."

it was unfortunate to see such a lonely soul in a young boy like that, and doc hated the fact that he could barely do anything about it beside reassuring him in that moment. it would last a day and he would turn back home again, to an empty house, most likely filled with workers who wouldn't even take their time to listen how the boy his day was.

"i'm sorry to hear that, chan." doc apologized for his own sake.

"ah it's okay.." chan hurriedly wiped away majority of the tears that had flowed down his cheeks, giving doc a sad smile. "you've listened more to me than my parents have done in the past years. so, thank you i guess."

"you know what, you're always welcome here. there's a local train station in the village a few miles away where i can pick you up by car. you can pay a visit to the lake house anytime if you feel like sharing the most random things to a parent." doc offered, his fatherly sense of responsibility kicking in. "if you call me at least a day before, of course."

chan chuckled, really appreciating the offer. "thank you, doc. and you know what, even if i don't exactly have a good bond with my parents, my friends have helped me lessen the sorrows surrounding them. they've always payed interest in me, regardless of my wealthy state." a smile appeared on the boy his face, making doc realize how important his friends were to him, filling the lonesome gap inside him.

"i'm certainly glad to hear that. they truly are an unique group of friends if i may say so." both doc and chan were able to laugh about that, seeing they were indeed quite a unique group of friends. "and you know what, when you turn twenty-one i will pay a visit to your house and bring beer with me. so we can drink your first legal beer together."

chan realized he might have finally found a father on his unexpected trip to the lake house. and while wiping away the last stray tear that escaped his eye, he nodded. "i would like to drink my first legal beer with you, doc."

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