Chapter Twenty - The Hero's Journey

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As the Ebon Hawk continued it's journey to Atlas, Ruby's group were exploring the Ebon Hawk. They were in awe of the fact they were standing inside a starship. 

Nora: I can't believe we're in an actual spaceship! 

Petro: Technically the term is starship. Though I'm wondering how Cordovin got her hands on the Ebon Hawk. 

Ren: You know of this ship? 

Katooni: Yes. The Ebon Hawk is a very famous ship. 

Yang: Really? How old is this thing?

Huyang: The Ebon Hawk was constructed 3947 years ago on the planet Transel if I'm not mistaken. 

Upon hearing the age of the ship, Ruby's group became silent. Weiss was the first to voice her concern.

Weiss: 3947?! How is this ship still flying?! More importantly, why are we on board such an ancient ship?!

Petro: Don't worry, Princess. This ship's seen some action. 

Zatt: He's right. I ran some diagnostics on the Ebon Hawk's systems. Everything seems to be in good shape with the exception of the Hyperdrive. 

Jaune: The Hyperwhat? 

Byph: Hyperdrive. It allows a starship to reach Hyperspace to travel through the Galaxy within a short span of time. 

Ruby's group became more and more amazed at the capabilities of the Ebon Hawk. Though it was older than all of them combined, the Ebon Hawk was the most advanced ship they had ever seen. Soon enough, Yang began talking to Gungi. 

Yang: Thanks for saving me and Blake, Gungi. 

Gungi: <You need not thank me, Yang. As I have said time and time again, I will honor my Life Debt to you until my last dying breath.>

Blake: You're really dedicated to the Life Debt, are you?

Gungi: <Yes, Blake. To my people, the Life Debt is the most solemn vow a Wookiee could make.>

Yang: Then I guess saving me makes us even. 

Gungi: <What do you mean, Yang?>

Yang: I know the Life Debt is important to you, but it wouldn't feel right if I let this Life Debt hang over you when you've already saved my skin. That's why I'm releasing you from the Life Debt. 

Upon hearing this, Gungi was caught off guard by this. He took a moment to think on his answer. He thought about the Life Debt he swore to Yang. 

Gungi: <I swore a Life Debt to you, but if you feel that the Life Debt has been fully repaid, then I will honor that wish.>

In that moment, the Life Debt between Gungi and Yang had ended. 

Gungi: <Though the Life Debt is over, I will still dedicate my life to protecting you and those who stand with you on my honor as a Jedi and a Wookiee.>

Yang: I can live with that. 

Scourge: How much longer until we reach Atlas?

Ganodi: We should be coming up on Atlas any minute now. 

Katooni: Do you think Darth Jadus has allies in Atlas?

Scourge: I have no doubt he does. I suspect he may have allies in the highest form of government within Atlas. 

Jaune: That seems kind of a stretch, don't you think?

Scourge: Look at the level of influence Salem has. That is nothing compared to what a Sith Lord can amass. 

Katooni: He's right, Jaune. We can't be too careful. Darth Jadus turned Team SHDW into dedicated followers of his. There's no telling how much influence he has in Atmos. 

As Katooni said that, the Kybuck Clan reflected on the events surrounding Order 66. The revelation that Chancellor Palpatine had been the one responsible for orchestrating the destruction of the Jedi left an undeniable impact on them. 

Scourge: However, Darth Jadus is no fool. It is likely that he knows that we are heading to Atlas. 

Qrow: How can you know that? 

Scourge: My instincts are seldom wrong. My reputation is well earned. 

Ruby: Do you think he knows about my Silver Eyes?

Scourge: Most likely. If he was at Beacon, then it is no doubt that he knows. However, I doubt that you are of any interest to him unless you pose a threat to him. In any case, be prepared. 

Despite the looming threat of Darth Jadus, Ruby remained determined. As everyone took the time to rest, Qrow looks out the cockpit window. 

Qrow: Hey, if you've never seen Atlas in person before, you don't wanna miss this.

As Qrow said this, everyone walked up to the cockpit window to see clouds. The anticipation of seeing Atlas filled the air. 

Ruby: Is it weird that I'm sorta nervous?

Yang: No, I'll believe we've made it to Atlas when I see it.

Weiss: Well... believe it.

Petro: Feeling nostalgic, Princess? 

Weiss: Not particularly, no. 

The Ebon Hawk comes out of the clouds, and the floating city of Atlas is seen coming into view. Everyone, including the Jedi of the Kybuck Clan were stunned by the sight of the floating city. 

Nora: Wow!

Maria: You know, you make the trip up to Atlas over and over, but you never get used to that view.

Katooni: We...we did it. We've finally made it to Atlas. 

As the Ebon Hawk flies closer to Atlas, Weiss leans forward. A look of concern soon falls on her face. 

Ruby: Weiss, what is it?

As Ruby says this, everyone spots countless Atlas airships surrounding the city as a blockade. 

Weiss: The Atlas air fleet... I knew all of our ships were called back, but...

Qrow: They're set up like they're expecting an attack...

Scourge: Fear. It is a move driven by fear. The combined power of Salem and Darth Jadus has left Atlas paranoid. Darth Jadus will exploit this fear to his advantage. 

In that moment, Katooni began to fear what Darth Jadus had planned for Atlas. Heeding Lord Scourge's warning, Katooni would be mindful of her surroundings. Suddenly, the Ebon Hawk's radio turns on. 

Atlas Air Control(Radio): Unidentified vessel, identify yourself. 

Petro: I've got a bad feeling about this. 

In that moment, the journey to Atlas had ended. However, the next step of their journey to stop Salem and Darth Jadus has reached a new dangerous height. Despite this, both the Kybuck Clan and Ruby's Group remained steadfast in their efforts to save Remnant from the forces of darkness.

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