Chapter Nine - Revelation

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After their failure to get into the Argus Military Base, everyone heads back to Saphron's home. After that, Ruby tells Jaune and the rest of Team JNPR the truth about what they know. Upon learning this, Jaune becomes enraged as he punches a wall. 

Jaune: Everything we did was for nothing!

Blake: That's not true.

Nora: Really? Cuz it sure does sound like it.

 Blake: I, um...

Ren: If Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?

Everyone became silent as Oscar attempts to calm the situation down. 

Oscar: Look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not the bad guys here.

Jaune: Are we sure about that?

Oscar: What?

Jaune: He's in your head, isn't he? Did you already know about this?

Weiss: He didn't know any of it!

In a moment of raw anger, Jaune grabs Oscar and shoves him against the wall. 

Jaune: How much longer can we even trust him?! How do we even know it's really him?! What if we have been talking to that liar this whole time?!

Suddenly, Jaune begins to choke as he drops Oscar. Jaune then falls to his knees as he clutches his throat. He turns to Scourge who was choking him through the Force.

Nora: Let him go, you bastard!

As Nora and Ren move in on Scourge, Scourge pushes them away. As Jaune is strangled, Katooni activates her Lightsaber and points it at the Sith Lord. 

Katooni: Let him go, Scourge! Now! 

Scourge: As you wish. 

Scourge then releases his grip on Jaune. As Jaune catches his breath, he immediately made the connection to him and Darth Jadus. 

Jaune: You're one of them...aren't you? Like Jadus?

Scourge: That is correct. I am a Sith Lord. 

Jaune: Katooni....what the hell are you thinking?! You told us about how dangerous the Sith are and now you're working with one of them?! 

Katooni: Lord Scourge is not in league with Jadus. He wants to help us. 

Jaune: Help us?! Like Ozpin?! Look at everything that's happened! Pyrrha would still be alive if it weren't for him! How can we fight Salem if we can't kill her?!

Katooni: Scourge believes she can be killed. 

Ren: How? How could he know something Ozpin doesn't?

Scourge: Because you are ignorant to the ways of the Force. Salem is a woman isolated by her grief and unimaginable power. If you wish to destroy Salem, then you will heed me. 

Jaune got up and glanced over to Oscar. A feeling of guilt came over him. He then walked upstairs where slamming was heard. 

Yang: Is he...gonna be okay?

Nora: I don't know!

Ren: I think it would be best if we had some time to ourselves.

With that, Nora and Ren walked out of the room. 

Blake: Maybe we could all use some space.

Scourge: We don't have time for this. Time is not on our side. 

Ruby glared at Scourge. She clutched her fists as she approached him.

Ruby: If you ever hurt my friends or my family, then you'll have me to deal with. 

Scourge: I do not serve you, girl. You are expendable. Everyone in the building is expendable. The only one who's life serves a greater purpose is Katooni. I will cut down any threat to that. So heed my warning, girl. Do not interfere. 

Katooni: Scourge! Enough! 

Scourge relents as he walks away. Ruby was tempted to attack the Sith Lord with Crescent Rose, but resists. Some time later, Katooni speaks with Scourge who was meditating on the Dark Side. 

Katooni: We need to talk. 

Scourge: Then speak. 

Katooni: I understand that we have to work together to stop Salem and Darth Jadus, but I will not allow you to harm any of my friends. 

Scourge: You know more than anyone what is out there. We must be prepared to make any sacrifices necessary to destroy those who threaten this world. Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith. 

As Scourge says this, Katooni recalled how Darth Jadus attempted to lure you to the Dark Side. 

Katooni: I'll never turn to the Dark Side! I am a Jedi! 

Scourge: You truly are a Jedi. Still, I applaud how you were able to resist the Dark Side when in the presence of Darth Jadus. Not many would boast that level of strength. 

Katooni: I put my trust in the Force. 

Scourge took note of Katooni's words. While he was annoyed at her dedication to the Jedi ways, he was impressed at how Katooni was able to resist the call to the Dark Side. 

Scourge: You do not lack for confidence, Jedi. You speak as the Hero Of Tython did when he faced the Emperor. The Hero Of Tython was much like you. Perhaps that will aid you in the fight to come. 

Katooni had heard stories of the Hero Of Tython. He was considered the greatest Jedi to have ever lived. Suddenly, Petro and the rest of the Kybuck Clan met up with them. 

Katooni: What's wrong? 

Petro: We got a problem. Oscar's gone missing. 

Scourge: Leave that to me. 

Zatt: that a good idea?

Scourge: Killing the boy will gain me nothing. In fact, I would like to have a word with this Ozpin. Perhaps he can shed some light on aspects of this world I've yet to know.

Katooni: We'll all fan out to look for Oscar. We'll meet back here. 

With that, everyone began the search for Oscar. As they did, the Hands of Jadus soon reached Argus to complete their mission from Darth Jadus. 

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