Hyungwon rolled his eyes a bit and started tapping on the screen to write a message back.

+82 2543 xxx
Location attached

Next, I would like to discuss my payment.
I do not do this for free.

+82 2543 xxx
Of course you don't.
I heard you cost a lot.
How much would you want as a minimum?

5K at least.

+82 2543 xxx
Let's go with 8K. You said you were busy, after all.
Are you okay with getting the money in two days?
I'll be back by then.


Hyungwon put the phone away, not bothering to wait for a response. The tall man then tracked down a taxi; he was not about to drive under the influence. Not that his car was anywhere near there anyways. He told the driver the address to the right place.

Before he even noticed, they had arrived. Maybe he zoned out during the ride, which wouldn't be a surprise as it had been happening often lately. "Are you sure you should be going to another club, sir?" The driver asked as Hyungwon paid for the ride. Hyungwon sent an assuring smile the old man's way. "I'm here to check on a friend. I've drank enough for one night." he responded before getting out of the car. He walked up to the club entrance and showed the bouncer his ID.

He got inside and looked around. Oh. It was that kind of a club. Half naked women and men and probably anything in between those two were either walking around or sticking to slimy old men.

The next issue was that Hyungwon had no clue as to what this guy, Kang Seokwon, looked like. He rubbed his face a little and sighed. He would have to ask around.

He walked deeper into the club and opened a few buttons from his shirt. He already felt short of breath from the musty air. The man made his way to the bar counter, after getting groped and touched by at least ten different people on the way. He tried to catch one of the bartender's attention, finally succeeding after five or so minutes later.

"Can I ask where Kang Seokwon might be?" He asked the bartender. The younger looking male looked around a bit as if making sure no one was watching. "Are you the one he hired?" The kid asked. The hitman blinked a few times. "He?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Wonho. He informed me someone would come by asking for Seokwon..."The guy said with a shrug. A quiet 'Ah' came from Hyungwon before he nodded. He should have figured out who the other meant. Whatever. After that the bartender instructed where the tall man could find the other man.

From the rest of that night, all Hyungwon remembers is almost banging - getting banged by - a fine man, getting hit over the head with a vase and slitting the guy's throat before stabbing him at least 5 times. The next time he woke up, he was safely in his own home and covered in the blood of his newest victim. No clue how he got home without getting cops called on him.

With further inspection Hyungwon found out he slept the whole day and now it was 7am two days later. Maybe it was the combination of being drunk, a possible concussion and being deprived of sleep.

Brain damage. How fun.

After showering, getting dressed and eating he finally managed to get his phone to a charger as he had procrastinated seeing all the messages from his clients. He wouldn't be surprised if they were majorly pissed for not getting a response for a single day.

Few minutes he could open the device and in flooded... nothing. Surprisingly he had not gotten any calls or messages during the time he was passed out. Maybe he could finally get a breather.

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