7. Calm down Anna

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I should have known Duchess and Lady Victoria leaving town would mean unnecessary predicaments for me. Lord Hugh entered my room without knocking. He never knocked, I disliked that habit so much. I felt he only did it in hopes to find me bare again. I found myself dying with shame when I thought about that incident. At times when he was looking at me, I could tell whatever I was wearing; he did not see it. He had already undressed me in his eyes. A pervert and a promiscuous man is how I'd always see him. He had not brought any women to the mansion, I figured Beatrice was still entertaining him.

"Please come with me?" Lord Hugh muttered behind me. I was changing Lewis napkin.

"Have I done anything wrong?" I asked, afraid that perhaps I had.

"Not at all. Just come with me!"

"I'm a bit busy with Lou, would it be too much of a bother if I asked you to inform me now?"

"Woman, don't make me put you over my shoulder!" That's when I turned to look at him. I shouldn't have because when I did. My heart seemed to take a steady turn. I felt nervous, I felt all these uncertain emotions that made me very uncomfortable. I did not want to find him attractive but I did. He had a smirk on his lips, he slowly smiled at me as if lost in a trance. Our eyes met for a mere second, they seemed greener than usual and less of hazel. His pupils dilated instantly. It was suddenly silent and I couldn't hear or see anything besides the view in front of me. Mentally scolding myself, I had no idea what had gotten into me. "And if I did, trust me Nora, you wouldn't be a virgin by tomorrow." He cleared his throat. "Unfortunately."

A shiver ran down my spine, it was out of excitement not fear. Why did I like what he said to me? What was wrong with me? Lord help me! Lord Jesus.

"You're overthinking it." He chuckled, walking over. I almost panicked until I realised he wanted to lift his son off the cradle not solicit me in any manner. My thoughts had gone too far. "No, I'm a little surprised you'd say something so inappropriate, Lord Hugh."

"This must be the first time a man has given you attention." He chuckled, Lewis then smiled mimicking his father. I felt shyness overwhelm me.

"Unwanted attention and not just any man. A white promiscuous man who knows that this is wrong."

"No, a white handsome man that is all. All done?" He asked.

I nodded, not excited about this idea. The sun had already set and it was dark. What did he want from me at this hour?

He called for a housekeeper whom I wasn't well acquainted to. "Stay with Lewis for the night." My heart almost stopped. Before I could react she was gone with Lou, we were all alone. I did not like the sound of that.

"No, Lord Hugh... I change my mind..." I said almost immediately.

"Nora, calm down. I will never make love to you until you beg me to."

"I won't." I said immediately. "I will never."

"Marriage first?" He asked.

"Lord Hugh, are you sane? Do you hear yourself? This is inappropriate."

"What is inappropriate about me questioning whether we should cut the cake after or before marriage?"

"You're embarrassing." I muttered under my breath. That was when I remembered Beatrice words, Lord Hugh was always on a conquest and it did not matter who he hurt in the process as long as he got what he wanted. It seemed my virginity was his new conquest.

"You're beautiful and I want to kiss you."

I immediately facepalmed. He brought me close, lifted my chin up to look at him. I could see specs of green and hazel. Stubble on his chin, his blonde locks parted in the middle they fell forward. I was frozen, with that and no other warning from what I had least anticipated. Lord Hugh laid his lips on mine. They were soft and savoury. My stomach flipped with an unknown feeling of fear and nervousness. His right hand gently held my chin, nibbling for a better taste. My whole body came to a halt with fear, my heart started to beat vigorously. His tongue swiftly massaged mine. A sudden ache between my thighs made itself known. It was as if it had a heartbeat of it's own, craving for a touch. I had never once experienced such. I closed my eyes, still not moving. It was a feeling I had never experienced before. His arms around me, he pressed me against his broad chest. I opened my eyes, making eye contact with eyes that stared at me with hatred and loathe. I stopped, pushing him away from me almost immediately. Surprised that's when Lord Hugh turned around to see Beatrice. She recovered quickly, giving us a bright smile but I had already seen it all. She was upset. She was hurt and more than likely; devastated. She had no problem seeing Lord Hugh with many other white women but seeing him with me— was something she had not wanted.

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