5. No, i wasn't Anna

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My heart was pounding, out of breath. I tried to stand but my body was weak. I was sitting in a puddle of blood. My white dress was drenched, I didn't recognise my surroundings. My chest felt heavy with sorrow. I tried to think hard as to what was upsetting me and why was I here. The puddle kept increasing circumference. My throat felt dry and clogged. The room kept getting darker and darker until I could not see or recognise anything except the blood red, I was drenched in. My tears wouldn't stop, I tried reaching forward but I could not move. I felt stuck in my stance. Helpless, running out of breath as if I had ran a marathon.

Jolting out of bed, the first thing I did was touch the blankets expecting them to be drenched but they weren't. Lewis had no crib, this side so he slept in bed with me. I found him wide awake beside me. Mouthful of his chubby fist. I immediately felt at ease watching him, look at me with comfort and ease. An eerie feeling made my body suddenly shiver with fear when I remembered the dream, I had just had. What did it mean? Maybe nothing just a dream. It scared me nonetheless I decided to ignore it. I wasted no time in giving Lewis a bath and preparing him for the day. His blonde hair was growing day by day and soon he wouldn't be baldie locks like Lord Hugh teased in the carriage. He had grown atleast 2-4lbs in the last two months. He smiled more often, I could also tell that he now recognised faces. There were more coos and gurgles from Lewis in an attempt to chat. He was very fussy in the evenings, but also preferred lots of time on the ground to look around.

The door then abruptly opened.

"Not very lucky today?" He teased, I was not sure if I should take it as a banter or seriously. I decided to do neither and ignore.

"Good Morning Lord Hugh."

"Of course, she decides to ignore." He muttered with a smile. "Hello baldie locks!"

"Actually he said I should inform you that nickname won't be fitting anymore you have to find a new one." I smiled, anything concerning this Angel made me smile without realising it.

Lord Hugh chuckled running his fingers through his blonde locks before he turned his eyes from Lou who was in my arms to me. I felt nervous suddenly, why was he looking at me as if I had done something wrong... I had just woken up, of course I looked a mess.

"Good thing you're here. It's my turn to get ready." I abruptly handed him his son, he seemed confused but nonetheless took Lou into his arms. I then started to see small facial similarities. This time Lou did not cry, instead he stared at his father for a while with curious eyes.

"I could take Lou to his grandparents then we could get ready together..."


"It's inevitable, there's no point hiding the fact that there's more than what we'd like to think."

I was a bit confused but it upset me. It raged me that he did not care for anything besides making me one of his women of the evening. I was raged because this is what he thought of me. I had never not once given him any ideas that I wanted any sort of advances. In all honesty it hit me like a brick, I had not expected him to say such even if he did; I had not expected it to be this soon.

"More to what exactly? No, nothing is inevitable Lord Hugh. Especially not me and you or whatever it is you're suggesting. This must be what you tell all your women including Beatrice—" it slipped.

Instead he laughed.

Nothing was funny.

"Would it kill you to spend more time with Lou? Wouldn't that be nice. Would it kill you to focus on your son and not disrespect his mother's name with your adultery? No man has ever died from lack of sex. I'm sure Anna—"

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