2. He was a womaniser

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There was a huge ruckus in the dining hall. I held Lewis closer to my chest shielding him from the noise. I had been going up and down the hallway trying to get him to sleep. He wasn't troublesome at all, as long as he was well fed and had his napkin changed. I was concerned for myself, with each passing day. I grew more and more fond of him. Given he was my responsibility, I was afraid of my being attached to a child that wasn't my own. I knew well enough there would come a time where I'd have to leave. It left me distraught. Thoughts, I preferred not to dwell on. Once Lewis did not not need me anymore, would that mean I'd be meant to leave the main house or leave for good? As soon as I took a turn, I immediately regretted it, mother and son seemed to be having a heated argument. I stood in front of a cross fire with no where to turn to.

"Gillian's family is furious, Hugh!" She yelled.

"For goodness sake mother, it hasn't even been two months since Anna passed and you expect me to be up and exultantly dining with new—"

"Clearly she wasn't woman enough to hold the title Lady of the Armstrong's if she couldn't do her sore duty of giving birth." She hissed with annoyance. "I always knew she was weak! Took her nearly two years to be with child."

In response to his mother, I watched him grit his teeth as his jaw tensed. He then calmly responded. "Please, I beg of you mother. I understand you and Anna never saw each other eye to eye but even in her death and absence, respect her mother!"

Oh, her name was Anna? Curiously got the best of me. What did she look like? What type of a person was she? Had she really died from child birth? What—

Duchess huffed looking away from her son, her eyes met mine. Her beady eyes examined me from head to toe. There was always some sense of loathing whenever she looked at me. I felt self conscious and afraid, a shiver ran down my spine. My presence became known when Lord Hugh looked in my direction as well. My mind told me to turn around quickly but my body froze.

"I—" stuttered, suddenly realising Lewis was now fast asleep.

"Of all places you decided to head this way near my son's study?"

"I had no knowledge of it being—"

"When I speak, you keep quiet."

I could only nod.

"What is that you're wearing?" She questioned giving me a quick glance. "Certainly doesn't do justice in keeping you covered up. I expect you to be dressed appropriately at all times."

"Do not take your anger out on anyone else but me after all you're upset with me not her. You're unbearable! I hope you're aware, one of these days, I will leave." Lord Hugh groaned.

Letting out a sardonic laugh, she crossed her arms. "Leave to be a peasant stripped of their royal title?"

"Like you once were?"

There was silence.

"You're very disrespectful, Hugh Miles Armstrong."

"You know that's my favourite story, father always told it so well." He smirked.

Just when I thought I could excuse myself, they raised their voices at each other. If anything, this was when I came to learn Lord Hugh and his mother were never on good terms. She wanted to control every aspect of his life and he wanted to do as he pleased.

Later that day as I was retelling the story to Beatrice, she laughed shaking her head. She put her hand on my should as if to reassure me. "Here's what you need to know if you're going to reside peacefully with that Winny!"

"Her name is Winny!"

"Yes, Winifred Belmore Armstrong duchess of Winchester but never address her with any other title besides your grace and Duchess. Surely you can tell who married into riches..." Beatrice replied calmly. I listened because even after residing here for the past month, I still knew nothing besides my routine with Louis.

"She will never be nice, hardly ever unless you're white and of their class. She is going to degrade you, piss you off to get a reaction out of you apparently she has no other source of entertainment. Her logic makes no sense, never mind her. She is a miserable, fifty-two year old hag that gets off controlling everything around her."

This scared me.

"Lord Hugh might be the nicest like his father once was. Not the nicest but nicer than most of them. He will try to help you with this and that. He will insist you do not do this and that for him. He will offer you this and that. Never take any of it even if it's coming from a good place. Once his mother knows, it's not a scene you'd want to witness."

Scared me even more.

"He offered me a tutor—"


"I did but he kept insisting..."

"Never take anything from him alright?"

"I was really excited—"

"No, Nora. She won't be happy about this. Unless if you want her to send you back to your plantation..." Hearing this, I was hesitant but knew I'd listen. Beatrice knew better.

"I hear you."

"Look it's really nice of him suggesting you learn but it's not the best idea if his mother is capable of murder and amongst other things."

My eyes widened.

"I do not mean to alarm you but everyone is this estate knows that what ever whom ever, Duchess does not take a liking to disappears tragically. Look at Anna, who knows what really happened that day? I hear they left her to bleed to her death but we're slaves it's none of our matter to mind or add an opinion on. Her husband? Who knows Nora? All I know is respect her, do not mind her and you will be fine."

"I'm afraid." I let out.

"You haven't done any wrong? Why should you be? I hear plantations are worse." She let out a banter but I didn't laugh. I couldn't find the humour in anything that she had told me about.

"They're but— for me that's home. I'm most comfortable there. I'm starting to think this job isn't for me." I said with a sigh.

"Do you have a choice? Unfortunately no, to them you were simply a purchase to care for Lewis."

There was silence.

"Another thing, do not give her ideas about you and her son..."

"I only met him once..." I reasoned.

"Winny won't care to hear your reasons, once she assumes then no one can tell her otherwise."

So I didn't.

I refused to attend to the tutor, I had been given. Coming up with every excuse possible. As weeks went by, I had a more solid routine with Lewis. He was growing up quickly. Lady Victoria often came to see him, she seemed to care for him than most. Lord Hugh had not bothered. One night as I strolled down the huge corridors admiring the paintings and high ceiling of luxury. I heard sounds moaning and groaning sounds. Hiding in one of the guest rooms leaving the door slightly open. I witnessed Beatrice and Lord Hugh walking past. They seemed well acquainted to each other, very well acquainted. I was left aghast, everything she told me... I questioned the validity of it all. Had she been feeding me lies to benefit herself? It seemed so but then again, I realised. I had no friend in this place. More than anything Lord Hugh disgusted me, he was a womaniser. Lewis certainly deserved more than being born into this cold ring of lies.

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