30. The Last Night

Start from the beginning

"Come on, we'd better go back before they send out a search party."


Seb was sat in a camping chair eating a banana for his breakfast when he spotted Joel and Melissa appear from the top of the cliff path. He'd been kind of disappointed when Sophie had told him that Melissa wasn't there when he'd emerged from his tent. He smiled broadly as he saw she was returning.

When Melissa and Joel finally arrived back Seb jumped up and offered her his chair, dropping a kiss on her forehead. She thanked him and sat down. Seb went and fetched another chair and sat besides her.

"Where's Ollie and Matt?" Joel asked Sophie, who was busy sorting their recycling out.

"Matt went for a run, Ollie has gone for a shower. When they get back we'll have to have a chat about today's agenda."

The sun was already getting strong. It was going to be another hot day. They hadn't yet decided what to do today. They had to pack a lot of the stuff ready to leave tomorrow but that wouldn't take long. The majority would be done in the morning.

"Well I vote for a lazy beach day," said Joel.

"I second that," said Sophie.

"Whatever you guys want to do is fine by me," added Melissa. She stood up. "I'm just going to the loo."

Seb watched her head off to the toilet block on the other side of the campfield. When she was out of earshot he beckoned Sophie over. She joined him and Joel.

"Guys, would you mind if I spent some time alone with Melissa tonight? I know we were all going out for dinner but I'd like to do something special as we wont see each other again until Belgium. Also...I'm going to ask her to go official, to be my girlfriend."

Joel and Sophie looked at each other, the shock evident on their faces. They started shrieking with excitement.

"Oh my God," said Sophie.

"That is fantastic!" declared Joel.  "Do you have a plan of what how you want to do it? No? Well how about we all disappear to go to dinner as we were talking about. Then you can have something delivered for yours and Melissa's dinner, maybe from that posh looking Italian place in Freshwater. I can nip to the shop and get some candles, or flowers..."

"Joel, breathe," Sophie reminded him. "Let Seb work out how he wants to go about this."

"Sure thing, but if you need anything just let me know Seb."

"Thanks Joel. I appreciate it. I'll text you if I need anything so she doesn't overhear. Now quiet, she's on her way back." Seb smiled to himself. Joel's idea was pretty decent actually. No flowers though as they'd be dead by the time she got them back to Brackley. Maybe not the candles either, but the meal sounded good. Melissa arrived back. She smiled at him. He smiled back, life was good.


In the end they all agreed on having a lazy beach day. Joel and Ollie prepared a picnic for them all and they headed off down the cliff path. They found a suitable spot to spread out their blankets. Matt had brought a football and the lads started having a kick around.

Sophie and Melissa sat down on the blanket and watched the boys fooling around.

Watching Seb run about wearing nothing but a pair of black swimming shorts soon had Melissa feeling a little hot under the collar.  He had a magnificent body.   A modest amount of hair covered his chest, rock hard abs....she sighed.   She needed to cool down!

The sun was pretty intense so she decided to have a paddle. Maybe that would cool her down in more ways than one! She stripped off her shorts and t-shirt, revealing the plain black bikini she was wearing underneath. She jogged down to the water and waded in until she was waist deep. She bent her knees and ducked under the water to wet her hair.

Out Of The Blue (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now