Chapter 39 - Gin and Silk

Start from the beginning

"Oh wow, Severus," Asha jeered, "that is quite the compliment."

"The first I've given all year, in fact."

"Well, I'm flattered," she declared with mock-sincerity and gave a small, ironic curtsy.

Severus smiled into his glass as he sipped from it.

"Actually, the dress did turn out to be a bit of a last-minute mission," Asha admitted. "I couldn't figure out how to transfigure the fabric into actual silk. It looks almost like silk, but it definitely doesn't feel like it." She rubbed the material at her thighs between her fingers, frowning: it was much thicker and rougher than true silk.

"You can't expect to master every spell in the book in four years," Severus chuckled. It was a rich, deep sound Asha had never heard from him before. It made the hairs on her neck tingle. The alcohol must've finally started to kick in.

While keeping his eyes on Asha's, Severus reached for the inside pocket of his jacket and drew out his wand. With one hand resting daintily on the marble railing, Asha's gaze flickered to the wand then back to Severus' eyes. He gave a slight nod of his head towards her dress and the tiniest raise of an eyebrow. The expression was so subtle, most would've thought Severus was showing no sign of communication. But Asha could read him clear as day; 'May I?'

She responded with an almost equally subtle gesture. A tug at one corner of her lips and a little shrug of one shoulder; 'Oh okay, why not?'

Dropping his wand to her torso, Severus spoke several incantations which were unfamiliar to Asha. The words pooled from his mouth and as soon as his tongue wrapped around the final syllable, Asha experienced a gentle rippling sensation where the dress touched her skin. An instant later, the fabric turned to true silk.

Severus' heart gave an uncomfortable jolt. Unlike the previous dress material, which, while it looked like silk, was in actuality thicker and stiffer, the new shiny black fabric slid over Asha's features like the silent, bubble-less stream of a water feature. It flowed over every bump and curve of her body like a second skin. In a split second, he soaked it all in, out of his peripheral vision. He had no control over it. It was a terrible feeling - how perfect she was.

Asha didn't have to look down to suddenly feel exposed. The sensation gave it away: the soothing, cool whisper of the night air on her skin; the fabric so thin and soft that it left her body totally unrestrained; like she was wearing nothing at all. Unexpectedly, she didn't find the feeling unpleasant, embarrassing or alarming.

She glanced down at herself to admire Severus' handiwork. When she saw how perfected and sensual her dress had become, she bit her lip unconsciously. The desire was in her head before she understood it was there. Like an instinct. A distinct thrill. She wanted Severus to notice her. To look at her. She wanted him to see her in that way. Even if it was just for a second.

She lifted her gaze, hoping, without knowing it, to find Severus' eyes wandering where she wanted them to be. But no. He had turned away, looking out over the balcony again. Asha followed suit, leaning her arms on the railing.

"Thanks," she murmured, then, "I would say I should try to learn that one, but I'm hoping I'll never find myself at such a glamorous event again."

"Transfiguration of pure materials can be a very useful skill," Severus hummed.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Just then, the clocktower chimed. What was the time? Asha suddenly wondered what she was still doing out here. She'd obliged to show her face at the Ball for a significant part of the night. Now, her job was done. It had been for a while. She could go to bed. But there was a magnetisation in the air, willing her to stay, even if she and Severus had run out of things to talk about. In fact, why was Severus still here? She glanced over at him. He was looking at her. She opened her mouth, about to speak, but Severus got there first.

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